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P0LEM6NIUM villosum.
D w a r f hairy Polemonium.
Natural Order. P o l e m o n i a c e a . D . Do n .in Edinh. phil. journ.
Oct. 1822.
PO LEM O N IUM . Supra fol. 182.
P . villosum, caule piloso angulato erecto, foliis pinnatis multijugis ;
foliolis ovatis obtusiusculis utrinque pilosis, floribus subpanicula-
tis nutantibus, corollæ laciniis rotundis crenulatis.
Polemonium villosum. Rudolphi. Georg, besch. des russ. reichs. 3.
». 771. 1800.
Polemonium humile. Roem. et Schult. syst. 4. add. p . 792. 1819. ex
Herb. Willd. Mss.
Polemonium Richardsoni. Graham in Botan. magaz. 2800 ?
Polemonium ooeruleum var. 0 Gmcl. sib. 4. p. 103. n. 69.
Root perennial, simple, or generally so, elongated to a
great length. Stem erect, about a span high, scarcely longer
than the radical leaves, leafy, angular, thickly clothed with
weak hairs and soft down intermixed, more or less tinged
with purple. Leaves pinnate, hairy on both sides, bearing
from 8 to 12 pair of leaflets, and terminated by an odd one,
decreasing in number up the stem : leaflets sessile, opposite
and alternate, ovate, slightly oblique at the base, bluntish
terminated in a brown callous point, hairy on both sides,
fringed at the edges, rather succulent, obscurely veined, of
a light green colour. Petioles slightly winged, channelled
on the upper side, dilated at the base, where it is more or
less tinged with purple. Flowers pale blue, slightly nodding
of rather a disagreeable scent, m a sort of few flowered
c o rtlb o se panicle. Peduncles villosely hairy, slightly viscous.
Calyx campanulate, 5-cleft, villous and viscid : the
segments erect or slightly spreading, ovate, bluntish. Corolla
rotate; tube about the length of the calyx: yellow in
the throat: limb spreading, 5-cleft; the segments broadly
obovate, rounded, slightly crenulate, striated with numerous
purple veins, slightly pubescent outside. Stamens 5, inserted
in the mouth of the tube, and alternate with the segments
of the limb : filaments slender, flattened, tapering to
the point, and each surrounded at the base with a dense
beard, or fascicle of hairs: anthers two-lobed, at first sa^
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