PHLOX pyramidalis.
Pyramidal Lychnidea.
Natural Order. P o lem o n ia c e a ;. D. Don obs.on Polem. p. 4.
PHLOX. Supra folio 29, and 190.
P . vvramidalis, caule erecto scabro maculato, fohis cordato-oblon-
gis acuminatis glabris margine scabris, panícula fastigiata pyramidal!,
coroll® l a c i n i i s cuneato-truncatis, dentibus calycinis sub-
ereclis lanceolatis acutis. „ , „ . .
Ph lo x pyramidalis. Smith exot. bot. 2. t. 91. P u rsh ß . amer-. sept l .
p. 149. Hort. Kew. ed. 2. e. l.p .3 2 5 . Ram. et Schult, syst. 4 .p . 3oB.
Spreng. syst. 1. p. 623.
Stems erect, from 2 to 3 feet high, roughish, thickly
clothed with a short pubescence, not much branched, but
terminated with a close compact pyramidal panicle o f flowers
: branches erect, obsoletely quadrangular. Leaves cordate,
sessile, oblong, ovate, or lanceolate, taper-pomted,
smooth, edges a little roughish : lower ones opposite : upper
ones sometimes alternate. Flowers in a close compact
panicle, pyramidal on the main stem, scarcely so on the
side ones. Bractes subulate. Pedicles very short, pubescent.
Calyx 5-cleft, segments lanceolate, keeled acute,
nearly erect, or points slightly spreading, joined below by
a thin membrane. Corolla tubular, tube nearly 3 times as
long as the calyx, gradually thickening, u pwa rd s : hmb
5 -p arted, laciniae broadly cuneate, truncate, slightly twisted
at first imbricate, afterwards becoming distinct, ot a
pale flesh-colour or lilac. Stamens 5, inserted m the tube,
one just below the mouth and scarcely extending beyond
it, two a little lower down, the other two still farther
down, and one of those below the o th e r: filaments very
short, attached to the anther at its back : anthers sagittate,
two-celled : pollen yellow. Cermen green, smooth. Style
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