HJPINUS canaliculatus.
ChanneUed-leaved Lupine.
Nnhiral Order. L e g u m i n o s « . J uss. gen.
Subordo I. P A P IL IO N A C EM .— T r ib u sY . P h a s e o l e j e . Supra
fol. 142.
L UPINUS. Supra fol. 130 et 261.
L. canaliculatus, fruticosus totus sericeo-tomentosus, floribus alternis
pedicellatis bracteolatis, calyce appendiculato labio superiore bihdo.
inferiore integro acuminato, foliolis 8-9 linearibus canaliculatis obtusis
subtus sericeo-tomentosis, ovario hirsutissimo.
Stem frutescent, erect, much branched; the plant from
which our drawing was taken, was between 3 and 4 teet
high, though only raised from seed the latter erid of May
last; braâhes erect, densely clothed with a short sdky
close-pressed tomentum. Leaves alternate, digitate, con
sisting of 8 or 9 leaflets, which spread round horizontally,
and are linear, ending in a blunt point nearly equal
in breadth from the base to the point, deeply channelled
on the upper side, and keeled below, the upper side
smooth or very slightly pubescent of a pale g ^ en approaching
to glaucous; underneath clothed with a silky
tomentum. Petioles rather slender channelled on the
upper side and convex below, widening at the b a ^ ,
which is slightly decurrent on each side down the stem,
thickly clothed with rather a loose silky tomentum. f t i -
pules linear, of the same shape as the leaflets, but
narrower and not channelled, the points a ld tle reflexed,
also clothed with a silky tomentum fringed at the margins
with longish weak hairs, and the points terminated
with a small bunch of the same sort. R fim e s termina ,
the stem clothed with a short woolly pubescence
rr. bright blue, alternate, bracteate. Bractes deciduous,
longer than the bud before expansion, which they enclose
lanceolate, taper-pointed, concave mwards, clothed
’with a short tomentum, and fringed a tth e
tinged with blue. Pedicles short, downy. Calyx two-1 p-
ped tinged with blue, and clothed with loose wool y
hairs : upper Up short, deeply 2-cleft, the segments ovately