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MUSCARI macrocarpum.
Large-capsuled Muse ari.
Natural Order. AsPHODELEffl. Brown prodr.214.
MUSCARL Supra fol, 15.
M macrocarpum, perianthiis ventricoso-cylmdncis apice conti ac »
o e d i c e l l i s quadruplo longioribus, scapo compresso, foliis patenti
L s slaucis elongato-lanceolatis acuminatis concavo-canaliculatis
M Ì s c a & c h a t ^ C W f l a v u m . Botan. maga.. IbGb. Swt. hort.
brit. p. 419.
Bulb lexsp, not increasing so freely as the other species.
Leaves several, s p r e a d in g round in various directions, from
6 inches to a foot in length, lanceolate, tapermg to a very
slender point, broadest at the base, convolutely concave,
and channelled on the upper side of a brownish glaucous
colour margins tinged with purple. Scapes erect, or declining
a littfo from the weight of the flowers, flattened on
each side, particularly on the inner one, smooth and glossy,
S a briuht purple, dotted with numerous mmuie green
dots Raceme many-flowered. Flowers of a bright blue,
tinged with purple before expansion, when expanded chang-
nfo to a bright yellow, and dying off brown, delightfully
W r a n t. Bractes very small, membranaceous, more or
less lacerate. Pedicles very short and smooth, about four
times shorter than the flowers. P enantliium t o h v X G X , with
1 contracted narrow mouth, bellied or ventncose towards
the base, slightly 6-furrowed, mouth sh^itly 6-crenate.
Stamens 6, inserted in the tube a little above the base,
f i lZ e n t s k o n , flattened towards the base and tapermg
upwards, inserted in the back of the anthers: anthers vex-
satile dark purple, two-lobed, divided at the base. 0«a-
rium triangular, smooth, white. Stgle short, srnooth.
Stiqma three-lobed. Capsule very large, of a greyish lilac
or purple, with three broad flat sides, very different from
M. moschatum.
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