r I
Vernai Collinsia.
Naturai Order. S c r o p h u l a r in .®. Brown prodr. 499.
Sect. I I . Stamina 4 antherifera.
C O L L IN S IA . Calyx qiiinquefidus. Corolla bilabiata clausa ; labio
superiore bifido, inferiore trifido ; lacinia intermedia carinato-
saccata genitalia arete tegens. Capsula rotunda, snbunilocularis, sub-
quadrivalvis. Semina duo vel tria.—Pian ta annua ; folia opposita et
verticillata, integra; peduncoli verticillati axillares, uniflori. N u ttall
in the Journal of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia.
V. I. p . 190.
C. verna, foliis radicalibus petiolatis rotundato-obovatis spathulatisve
denticulatis : caulinis sessilibus ovato-lanceolatis : superioribus linearibus
verticillatis, pedunculis axillaribus solitariis subverticil-
latis, coroll® laciniis subemarginatis.
Collinsia verna. Nuttall loc. cit. p. I90.pl. 9. Gen. amer. v. 2. p. 46.
“ Root fibrous, annual. Stem often simple, or branched towards
the base, terete, nearly smooth, (pubescent in our plant,)
abouttwelve inches high. Radical leaves petiolate, roundish,
or obovate-spathulate, denticulate; stem-leavcs ovate or
ovate-lanceolate, sparingly denticulate and somewhat scabrous
on the margin, sessile and subamplexicaule, sometimes
a little pubescent, but usually smooth; floral leaves
verticillated in threes, fives or sixes, ovate-lanceolate or linear
lanceolate, acute and mostly entire, diminishing upwards
to the size of mere bractes. Peduncles 1-flowered, axillary,
commencing usually to appear with the third pair of leaves,
filiform, nearly erect and somewhat pubescent, about an inch
in length. Calyx subcampanulate, cleft more than half way
down, and membranaceous at the base; segments greenish,
semi-lanceolate, acute, the two lower lacinise horizontally
divergent. Corolla nearly in the form of a violet, bilabiate,
closed; upper lip white, spirally reflected, bilobate with a
small, prominent, arched palate, of a yellow colour spotted
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