and roundly obovate, somewhat wrinkled, inserted in
tlie mouth of the calyx, and alternate with the upright
lobes. 12, nearly equal: very slender,
smooth, inserted in the base of the calyx, and exserted
beyond the mo u th : anthers two-lobed, the lobes divaricate.
Ovarium sessile, globular, smooth, 4-celled, many-
seeded. Style erect, smooth, longer than the stamens.
Stigma capitate. Capsule enclosed tight in the calyx.
Seeds small, and not winged.
The present genus is readily distinguished from all to
which it is related by its four-celled capsule; the specimens
from which our drawing was made, were kindly
communicated to us from the rich and extensive collection
of Robert Barclay, Esq. of Bury-hill, where it
forms a handsome small bushy evergreen shrub, and
continues to flower a great part of the Summer, and till
late in Autumn; it is a native of Mexico, and has been
cultivated several years in the Botanic garden a t B e rlin ;
but the present plant was raised from seed received
from Mr. F. Sello, who sent them from Brazil: Mr. Barclay
has also since raised plants of it, from seeds re ceived
from Mexico, and others from seeds received
from Germany. We find it succeeds well, and grows
very fast in a warm border by the side of a wall, in a
southern aspect, bu t will probably require the protection
of a mat, or some other slight covering, in very severe
weather; we have seen plants of it now, the second
week of December, th a t have stood several sharp
frosts without being in the least injured, and are thriving
as well as if it was Summer, so th a t it cannot be very
te n d e r; it thrives well in the common garden soil; and
young cuttings, planted under hand-glasses, strike root
readily; it may also be raised from seeds.
The genus was named by Dr. H. F. Link, in honour
of Dr. Heim, a celebrated physician a t Berlin, and a
zealous collector of plants, especially mosses; he was
the first discoverer of Cynbstomum Heimii, which
named after him.
1. Calyx. 2. The same spread open to show the insertion o f the six petals.
3. The 12 Stamens. 4. Ovarium terminated by the Style and capitate Stigma.
5. Ovarium cut across to show the four cells.
I. -V 2 ^