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PSORÀLEA glandulosa.
Stripe-Jlowered P sor alea.
Natural Order. L e g u m i n o s æ . BC. prodr. 2. p. 293.
Subordol. P A P I L IO N A C E M .— TribusU. L o t EM . Supra fol.159.
Subtribus I I I . CliTORIM. Legumen uniloculare. Stamina sæpiùs
diadelpha. Caules herbacei aut suffrutescentes sæpè volubiles. Folia
varia, primordialia opposita inter se similia. DC. prodr. 2. p. 216.
P SO R A L E A . Sepala 5 ad medium concreta in calycem 5-fidum
persistentem, tubo sæpiùs glanduloso, lobis acuminatis infimo paulò
productiore. Stamina 10 sæpiùs diadelpha, decimo interdùm basi
cum cæteris connexa. Legumen calycis longitudine evalve mono-
spermum interdùm j,p rostrum desinens.—Frutices aut Herbæ tuber-
culis glandulosis sæpiùs verrucosa. Folia varia, stipulis petiolo basi
adnatis. Flores dispositione varii coerulei, albidi purpurascentesve.
DC. prodr. 2. p. 216.
**•* Pedunculis axillaribus flores laxe spicatos racemosve gerenti-
bus.—Poikadeniæ. Ell.
P i glandulosa, glabra, foliis pinnatim trifoliolatis, foliolis ovato-lan-
ceolatis acuminatis, petiolis glanduloso-scabris, racemis axillaribus
pedunculatis folio longioribus. J)C. prodr. 2. p. 220.
Psoralea glandulosa. Linn. spec. 1075. Willden. sp. pl. 3. p . 1349.
Botan. magaz. 990. Hort. Kew. ed.2. v .4 . p. 311. Pers. syn. 2.
p . 347. Spreng. syst. 3. p. 198.
Culen. Feuil. p e ru v .l. t.3 . Ard. sp e c .l. p. 24. 1.11. Molin. chil.
V. 1. p . 133.
Stem shrubby, erect, branching ; branches erect, angular,
striate, clothed with small glands and short black
hairs. Leaves pinnately ternate ; leaflets petiolate, the
terminal one at a distance from the others, ovately lanceolate,
taper-pointed, pennately nerved, reticulately
veined, smooth and glossy on the upper side, underneath
dotted with numerous rough dots. Petioles furrowed
on th e upper side and rounded on the lower, clothed
with small glands and close-pressed black hairs.
Flowers blue, variegated with white. Rue-scented, in
axillary spike-like racemes, longer than the leaves. Peduncles
striate, hairy and glandular. Pedicles short, generally
in threes. Bractes short, ovate, acute, densely
hairy, deciduous. Calyx 5-cleft, persistent, thickly clothed
with close-pressed hairs : the laciniæ lanceolate,
acute. Fe.n7/zm ovately oblong, rounded, slightly emarginate,
hollow in the middle, very much striated underneath,
sides a little reflexed, bright blue in the centre.