so long as the calyx. Flowers elegant, of a purple lilac.
Calyx of 4 sepals, the 2 inner ones narrowest, linear, the
outer ones concave, both inflated at the base. Petals 4,
spreading; the unguis slender, about the length of the calyx ;
the lamina obovate, flat, of a purple lilac, veined with numerous
branching purple veins, that extend all over them.
Stamens 6, inserted in the receptacle, 2 shorter than the
others ; filaments smooth: anthers a little exserted : pollen
pale yellow. Seed-pod slightly quadrangular, bearing
the seeds in 2 rows. Style four-sided, the sides flat. Stigma
thick, notched at the point, pubescent.
This elegant plant is a native of the South of Europe,
Barbary, and the Levant, and has been introduced to our
gardens ever .since the year 1739, though it is yet very rarely
to be met with. For the opportunity afforded us of giving
the present figure, we are obliged to Messrs. Charles, James,
and Peter Young, Nurserymen, of Epsom, from whose
extensive collection we received fine flowering specimens
of it, in full bloom, in August last. It is well deserving a
place in every collection, both from the beauty of its flowers,
and its elegant growth, and glaucous leaves. It requires no
particular care, except to be planted in a warm open border
of the flower-garden, in rich soil; and should the Winter
be very frosty, it will be best to shelter it a little with
the covering of a pot placed over it, or a little straw' or fern,
while the weather is severe ; it will then flower abundantly
and ripen its seeds, which should be sown early in Spring,
and as soon as the plants have two or three leaves, they
should be transplanted where they are to remain.
The genus was named by M. Decandolle, in compliment
to S. Moricand, an Italian Botanist, and author of the Flora
1. Calyx. 2. One o f the Petals, to show the slender ungnis at the base.
3. The 6 Stamens, 2 o f them shorter than the others. 4. Stamen detached, to
show the gland at the base. 6. Style terminated by the Stigma. 0. Pod, opening,
to show the seeds.