SALPIGLOSSIS atropurpúrea.
Deep-purple-flowered Salpiglossis.
Natural Order. S o l a n e a . Brown prodr. 1. p. U S .
Sect. II. Corolla non plicata, regularis. Stamina didynama. Lm-
bryo leviter arcuatus. Pericarpium capsulare v. baccatum.
S A L P IG L O S S IS . Supra fol. 231.
S. atropurpúrea, glanduloso-piloso, foliis inferioribus petiolatis elliptico
oblongis sinuatis penninerviis ; superioribus sessilibus lari-
ceolato-linearibus integerrimis, caule paniculato-ramoso, ramis
dichotomis, filamentis glanduloso-pilosis, stylo edentulo.
Salpiglossis atropurpúrea. Graham in Botan. magaz. 2811.
Perennial, or perhaps biennial ? all over glandularly
hairy. Stem suffrutescent at the base, in our specimens m
the open ground about two feet high, paniculately branching,
the branches forked and bearing a flower m each fork,
all over thickly covered with hairs, the hairs tipped with
pyramidal glands. Leaves of various shapes and sizes,
hairy on both sides; lower ones petiolate or on long footstalks,
elliptically oblong, obtuse, more or less sinuate, the
lobes shallow and rounded, penninerved, the nerves branched
a little, but the leaves scarcely rugose; the petioles
slightly winged on each side : stem-leaves lanceolately linear,
a little undulate, sometimes a little bluntish, others
are acute ; upper ones sessile, quite entire, and glandular y
hairy. EZowers large, dark purple, sometimes nearly black,
orange-coloured in the throat, veined with darker veins.
Pedlncles in the forks of the branches, or opposite to the
bractes, shortish, but unequal in length. Bractes leaf-hke,
scattered. Calyx 5-angular, 5-cleft, angles dark-coloured :
segments lanceolate, acute, keeled, two upper ones rather
longest. Ctyrolla large, funnel-form, the tube slender at the
b a s l and to a little above the calyx, becoming inflated and
bell-shaped from the middle, where the stamens are inserted
: limb spreading, 5-lobed, the upper one largest, and the
two lower L e s smallest, the lobes each two-lobed, bluntly
rounded with a deepish notch between the lobes : outside of
the tube strongly nerved with numerous prominent nerves,
which branch into veins, and extend over foe whole flower.
Stamens 5, inserted in the tube where it becomes inflated,
and decurrent down it, included within the mouth, four fertile
and one sterile; the four fertile ones didynamous, or
two longer than the others: jilaments purple upwards and
light below, the two shortest broadest below, and clothed
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