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CHELONE rosea.
Rose-coloured Chelone.
Natural Order. S c r o p h u l a r i n a : . Kth. synops. 2. p. WO.
Tribus I I . Stamina 4 antherifera.
CHE LO NE. Supra fol. 120.
Sect. I I . PENTSTEMON. Filamento sterili superne barbato.
C. rosea, caule herbáceo glabro, foliis lanceolatis acutis argute serrulatis
sessilibus glabris ; superioribus latioribus, pedunculis axillaribus
subtrifloris, corollis parvis subinflatis, labio inferiore
dense barbato ; laciniis limbi brevissimis, filamento sterili superne
Chelone rosea. Cervantes Mss. Swt. hort. brit.p. 305.
Perennial, herbaceous, or slightly suffrutescent at the
base, much branched: branches erect or slightly flexuose,
smooth and glossy, and somewhat viscous. Leaves rather
crowded, opposite, sessile, smooth and glossy, sharply
serrated, the points of the teeth a little bent inwards:
lower ones narrowly lanceolate, acute; the upper ones near
the flowers broader, cordate at the base, and clasping the
stem, more taper-pointed. Plowers of a bright purplish
red, about half the size of C. campanulata, in a terminal
paniculated raceme. Peduncles cylindrical, glossy, viscous,
and more or less clothed with glandular hairs, the lower
ones sometimes 4 to 6-flowered, the greater part of the
others three-flowered, the upper ones only 1 or 2-flowered.
Bractes lanceolate, acute, entire, covered with glandular
hairs, and fringed. Pedicles longer than the bractes, of a
glossy purple, viscous and glandularly hairy. Calyx 5-part-
ed, the segments lanceolate, acute, tipped with purple, glandularly
hairy and fringed, spreading. Corolla tubular at the
base, slightly inflated upwards, keeled at the back, thickly
clothed with small hairs, that are tipped with minute glands:
limb 2-lipped, the upper lip very short, slightly two-lobed,
and naked inside: lower lip longer, trifid, spreading,
densely bearded inside, and striped down the tube. Stamens
5, inserted in the tube near the base, four fertile and
one sterile, two of the fertile ones rather longer than the
other two, the two shortest much dilated to the base, the;
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