RHODODÉNDRON sinénse (3 flavéscens.
Pale yellow Chinese Rhododendron.
Natural Order. E r ic e ®. D . Do nfl. nepal. p. 148.
Subordo I I I . RHODORACEM. D. Don loc cit. p. 152.
R H O D O D E N D R O N . Supra fol. 250.
Sect. I I . A z a l e a . Coro/Za basi tubulosa, infundibuliformis. % -
mina 5.—Frútices v. Arbores, plerique deciduis; ramis piloso-hispi-
dis. Folia oblonga, ovata v. elliptica, pilosa. Flores corymbosi, speci-
osi, colore varii.
R . sinense, subdeciduum, foliis ellipticis acutiusculis piloso-pubes-
centibus penninerviis mara;ine ciliatis; subtus canescentibus, co-
rymbis multifloris, pedunculis corollisque pubescentibus, staminibus
limbum subaequantibus.
Azalea sinensis. Lodd. hot. cab. t. 885. Swt. hort. brit. p. 264.
afldmmeum. Lodd. loc. cit. t. 885.
fijlavescens. Supra.
Stem in our plant between two and three feet in
height, branched below, and clothed w ith a brown b a rk ;
branches erect, or very slightly spreading, thickly covered
with rigid bristle-like hairs. Leaves somewhat deciduous,
alternate, elliptic, some of them above five inches
long, and two broad, attenuated a little to the base,
scarcely acute, bu t terminated in a yellow glandular ,
point, regularly feather-nerved underneath, the nerves
branched a little within the margin, reticulately veined,
densely clothed with short soft hairs on both sides, p a rticularly
underneath, where they are canescent, the
margins thickly fringed with short stiff h a irs; of a brownish
green on the upper side, and pale white underneath,
very soft to the touch, the midrib underneath thinly
clothed with stiff yellowish bristles: upper leaves
crowded clpse together in a sort of fascicle. Petioles
short, clothed with hispid hairs, channelled on the up per
side, and rounded below. Scales a t the base of the
buds before the leaves expand, subpersistent, lanceolate,
taper-pointed, hollow on the inside and keeled a t the
back, pubescent. Flowers pale yellow, in a terminal many-
flowered corymb. Bractes variable, pubescent, deciduous
surrounding the flowers before they ex p an d : outer
ones roundly ovate, terminated in a sharp rigid point:
inner ones spathulate, and more of a membranaceous
texture, th e points acute, bu t much less sh a rp ; inside
of the large bractes are other very narrow, nearly subu-
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