but beginning to spread as soon as the flower is expanded ;
filaments slender, yellow: anthers linear, two-lobed,‘orange-
coloured, bursting by the sides for the exclusion of the pollen.
OuanMm oblong, smooth, 10-striped, about the length
of the stamens. Style distinct, very short. Stiqma peltate,
nearly flat, slightly 4-sulcate, and obsoletely 4-lobed. Capsule
a long fl% sh pod, strongly 10-ribbed, and channelled
between the ribs, gradually attenuated from the middle to
both ends, one-celled, 2-valved, many-seeded, the seeds attached
to the margins of the valves. Seeds nearly globular,
a little larger than a white mustard seed, rough, the roughness
occasioned by innumerable small dots.. Albumen
brown, of a hard cartilaginous substance.
Our drawing of this beautiful new plant was taken in
July last, from fine specimens received from the choice collection
of Robert Barclay, Esq. of Bury Hill, where it was
raised last year from seed received from Mexico; we are
not certain whether it will prove biennial, or frutescent, but
the plant is now thriving well in the flower border, and is
above three feet high, and branching; it has also become of
a woody texture at the base, and has continued to produce its
fragrant flowers ever since, and has ripened seeds. It is certainly
a very distinct genus, apparently nearest related to
S t y l o p h o r u m of Nuttall, which is considered a section of
MEcoNOPSisbyM. Decandolle. Wehavenameditincompliment
to our friend, Mr. John Hunnemann, who, through
his numerous correspondents in various countries, has been
the means of introducing a greater number of plants to our
collections than almost any other individual, and we are
somewhat surprised that a genus has never been named
after him before.
If seeds of the present plant are sown the latter end of
Summer, and the plants receive a little protection through
the Winter, we believe they would flower the following Summer
or Autumn ; but if not sown till Spring, very few of
them will flower before the following Spring or Summer.
1 t™» dec'A'ous Sepals. 2. Two o f the Stamens, to show their different
lengths. 3. pyariuin, showing the ribs, terminated by a very short Style, and
nat, slightly 4-lobed Stigma, with 4 furrows on the upper side. 4. Ripe Capsule
laid open, to show the insertion o f the Seeds. 5. Back view o f the same,
showing the 10 ribs. ^