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SIEGESBECKIA droseroides.
Sundew-involucred Siegesbeckia.
Natural Order. Composita;. Adansonfam. 2 . 103.
Sect. V. HeLUNTHEJE. Kuuth syuops. 2. p. 463.
S IE G E S B E C K IA . /ni)o/ucntm duplex; exterius pentaphylluin,
patens; interius polyplijllum, campanulatum. Receptaculum palea-
Lum. Flosculi disci tuhulosi, hennaphroditi ; radii nonnulli, unilaterales
ligulati, feminei. Aleenia tetragona, calva.— Herbae glandu-
loso-viscosce. Folia apposita, integra. Flores terminales et alares, lutei.
Kuntli synops. 2. p. 506.
S. droseroides, foliis petiolatis rhombeo-ovat.s acutis obsolete denta-
tis pilosis, petiolis foliaceo-alatis, caule angulato paniculato-ra-
moso villoso, floribus c o r y mboso-cymosis, folio is involucri exte-
rioribus longissimis apice dilatatis glanduloso-pilosis.
Siegesbeckia droseroides. Swt. hort. brit. p. 235.
Root perennial. Stem erect, herbaceous, angular, channelled,
in our specimens about 3 feet high, branching regu-
larlv all the way up, tinged with purple at the base, thickly
clothed with stiffish villous hairs: branches opposite, rather
slender, angular, erect or ascending, thickly clothed with
o-landular hairs, and generally terminated with from 3 to 5
flowers. Leaves opposite, connected at the base and clasp-
ino the stem with winged foliaceous petioles, rhomboidally
ovate acute, slightly toothed with very short teeth, triply-
nerved reticulately veined, clothed with short hairs on both
sides upper side of a dark green and pale underneath:
uw ^ r ones sessile, or the petioles very broadly winged.
Petioles furrowed and purple on the upper side, and
rounded on the lower. Plowers terminal, upper ones m a
sort of panicled cyme, all facing forward or slightly nodding
Peduncles rather long and slender, clothed with
glandular hairs. Involucre double; outer series of 5
snreading slender leaflets, about an inch long, dilated at
the point, and thickly clothed with viscous glandular hairs,
which gives the appearance of a species of Drosera or