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ORCHIS coriophora.
Bug-scented Orchis.
Natural Order. O r c h id e a :. Brownprodr. 309.
Sect. I. M o n a n d r a :. Anthera adnata subterminalis persistens.
Pollinis massa e lobulis angulatis elastice coh®rentibus : basi affix®.
Brown Hort. Kew. ed. 2. v. 5. p. 188.
ORCHIS. Supra fol. 65.
* Radice tuberosa indivisa.
O. coriophora, caule folioso elato, foliis lanceolatis acutis striatis, la-
bello trilobo ; medio angustiore longiore; lateralibus denticulatis,
foliolis perianthii conniventibus, calcari conico ovarium breviore.
Orchis coriophora. Willden. sp. pl. 4. p . 14. Pers. syn. 2. p. 503.
Hall. helo. t. 34. Jacq. aust. 2. í. 122. Spreng. syst. 3. p. 687. Swt.
hort. brit. p. 382.
Roots composed of two fleshy tubers, above which are
produced several thick succulent fibres, which spread in various
directions. /SYem in our plant about 16 inches in height,
smooth, erect, slightly angular, clothed with leaves. Leaves
lanceolate, acute, channelled on the upper side, and striated
with longitudinal furrows, sheathing the stem at the base, of
a pale green, covered all over with small glittering scale-like
specks. Spike terminal, many-flowered. Flowers brown,
strong-scented, resembling the smell of bugs. Bractes lanceolate,
acute, sheathing the ovarium at the base, the points
curved inwards, scarcely reaching to the point of the perianthium,
the margins transparent, with a strong green nerve
down the centre. Opanwrn twisted, angular, longer than the
spur. Perianthium leaning forwards, of 5 leaflets, connivent
or forming an arch, and all stuck together, the two inner
ones smallest : 3 outer leaflets oblongly lanceolate, acute,
the middle one broadest, and equal sided, the side ones unequal
sided : 2 inner ones very narrow, linearly lanceolate,
acute. Labellum 3-lobed, of a brownish green, spotted with