very short, or scarcely a n y ; Imh deeply 6-cleft, regularly
spreading: the segments ovately lanceolate or
elliptical, acute, every other one broadest, marked at
the back with from 3 to 5 longitudinal straw-colour
stripes, th a t are pennately veined, and all connected at
the p o in t; those show faintly through to the inside,
which is of a bright red, tinged with copper, each
marked at the base with a yellow patch, in which is a
broken black spear-shaped mark. Stamens 3, erect;
Jilaments black, connected all their length into a short
tube : anthers oblongly linear, somewhat bluntly sagitta
te at the base. Ovarium 6-lined, warted on the angles
near the top. Style filiform, smooth, terminated by three
flat ligulate Stigmas, th a t are forked a t the points.
The present splendid subject is the production of one
the bulbs th a t was brought from the Cape of Good
Hope by Mr. Synnot, and flowered at the Nursery of
Mr. Colvill, where our drawing was made. Mr. Synnot
observed th a t it was a very rare bulb, and th a t he had
very few of th em ; two of them flowered a t Mr. Colvill’s
soon after they were planted, bu t did not perfect any
seed, which would have been desirable; we have therefore
waited till the present time before we published it,
m hopes of seeing it flower again, and hoping it might
ripen its seed ; but it has not flowered s in c e ; we have
no doubt but it will form a distinct genus from any already
published, differing from Trichonema, to which it
is nearest in habit, by its monadelphous stamens, and
very different stigmas, and probably also by its seeds ;
and we know no other genus with which we need com!
pare it. The best soil to grow it in is a mixture of light
turfy loam, peat, and s a n d ; and it may be grown in
pots and kept in a frame or pit, or in the greenhouse,
or be planted in a warm border with other Cape bulbs
and covered with mats or any other light covering in
frosty weather.
The generic name is derived from aTraraXog, adorned
with ribbons, and avSog, a flower.
k <^0'«'®'-- 2. The three Stamens,
r ^ d t o e S tigm a r ® 3 -Ovarium, terminated by the Style’,
1 Pulsatilla vernalis ........................ 205
2 Aquilegia alpina ......................218
3 Magnolia Soulangeana .............. 260
4 Papaver alpinum............................ 247
5 Argemone ocliroleuca................... 242
6 Argemone grandiflora................... 226
7 Hunnemannia fumariæfolia . . . . 276
8 Eschscholtzia califórnica..................265
9 Hypecoum procumbens..................217
10 Aubrietia purpurea....................... 207
11 Moricandia arvensis....................... 278
12 Viola pubescens ...............................223
13 Dianthus giganteus........................ 288
14 Dianthus Fischeri ........................ 245
15 Hibiscus moscheutos ................... 286
16 Hibiscus roseus................................. 277
17 Tropæolum tricolorum ..................270
18 Piptanthus nepalensis ..................264
19 Psoralea glandulosa...........................296
20 Galega p ersica................................ 244
21 Amorpha fragrans ....................... 241
22 Caragana frutescens ................... 227
23 Lathyrus amphicarpos ..................236
24 Platystylis cyanea ........................ 239
25 Orobus Fischeri ............................ 289
26 Wisteria chinensis ........................ 211
27 Lupinus canaliculatus......................283
28 Lupinus tomentosas. ....................261
29 Erythrina crista-galli ....................214
30 Geum Quellyon ................ 292
31 Potentilla Russelliana................... 279
32 OEnothera roseo-alba ...................... 268
83 OEnothera taraxacifolia ..................294
34 OEnothera spe c io sa ........................ 253
35 Heimia salicifolia............................ 281
36 Rhexia ciliosa ................................. 298
37 Scyphanthus elegans ................... 238
38 Claytonia caroliniana................... 208
39 Claytonia grandiflora................... 216
40 Echeveria grandifolia................... 275
41 Gastrocarpha runcina ta ............... 229
42 Nocca latifolia................................. 215
43 Ampherephis intermedia .............225
44 Aster patens..................................... 234
45 Podolepis gracilis............................ 285
46 Diplocoma villosa............................ 246
47 Cineraria aurantiaca ................... 256
48 Siegesbeckia droseroides..................203
49 Georgina crocata............................ 282
50 Bideas striata ................................. 237
51 Lobelia Tupa .................................. 284
52 Campanula dichotoma.................... 280
53 Rhododendron arboreum ...............250
54 Rhododendron Gowenianum 263
55 Rhododendron sinense 290
56 Polemonium v illo sum .................... 266
57 Phlox od o ra ta .................................. 224
58 Phlox scabra...................................... 248
59 Phlox pyramidalis ......................... 233
60 Phlox reflexa .................................. 232
61 Phlox canadensis............................. 221
62 Gilia capitata .................................. 287
63 Nicotiana noctíflora......................... 262
64 Salpiglossis straminea.................... 231
65 Salpiglossis p ic ta ............................. 258
66 Salpiglossis atropurpúrea ...............271
67 Digitalis lanata.................................. 291
68 Chelone Ly on i.................................. 293
69 Chelone atropurpúrea..................... 235
70 Chelone rosea .................................. 230
71 Collinsia v e rn a .................................. 220
72 Cunila mariana.................................. 243
73 Horminum pyrenaicum ................ 252
74 Leonurus Sibiriens ......................... 204
75 Verbena pulchella ......................... 295
76 Verbena sororia ............................. 202
77 Primula glaucescens .................... 254
78 Taxanthema incana......................... 272
79 Rheum australe. ........................ 269
80 Orchis longicornu ...................... 249
81 Orchis coriophora ...................... 219
82 Orchis sambucina ...................... 299
83 Ophrys lutea .................................. 206
84 Cypripedium spectabile. a et ß . 240
85 Cypripedium arietinum...................213
86 Iris tr id en ta ta .................................. 274
87 Iriscaucasica .................................. 255
88 Herbertia pulchella......................... 222
89 Spatalanthus speciosus ................ 300
90 Streptanthera elegans.................... 209
91 Acis ro sea .......................................... 297
92 Alstroemeria S im sii......................... 267
93 Alstroemeria hirtella......................... 228
94 Trillium erytbrocarpum............... 212
95 Muscari macrocarpum.................... 210
96 Muscari pallens .................. 259
97 Allium neapolitanum ..................... 201
98 Cummingia campanulata .............. 257
99 Yucca puberula ............................. 251
100 Cyclobothra barbata..................... 273
2 D