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Woolly Foxglove.
Natural Order. S c k o p h u l a r i n æ . Brown p ro d r .l. p. 433.
Sect. I . Stamina 4 anthei-ifera.
D IG IT A L I S . Calyx 5-partitus, lacinus subinæqualibus. Go-
roZZa campanulata, basi tubulosa, supra dilatata patens : limbo 4-5-
lobo inæquali. Stamina declinata. Antheroe 2-partitæ. Capsula ovata
acuminata, 2-locularis, valvis introflexis dissepimentum forman-
tibus.—Herbæ raro frútices : folia alterna ; flores spicati terminales.
D lanata spica pyramidata densa lanáta, bracteis calyce longioribus
laciniisque lanceolatis, corollæ labio inferiore porrecto oblongo obtuso.
Spreng. syst. 2. p. 133.
Digitalis lanata. Willden. sp. pl. 3. p. 287. B fia n . magaz. 1159.
ITaZtZsi. et Kitaib. pl. hung. 1. p. 76. t. 74. Pers. syn. 2. p. 163.
Hm t. Kew. ed. 2. v. 4. p. 29. Lindi, digit, t. 15.
Perennial. Stems erect, from 2 to 4 feet high, the
lower p a rt smooth and glossy, of a pale purple acutely
angular, the angles formed by. the nerve of the leaf continuing
down the stem. Leaves sessile, oblong, or broadly
lanceolate, acute, strongly nerved underneath, the
nerves forming furrows on the upper side ; lower ones
smooth on both sides : the upper ones villous on the upper
side, and fringed. Flowers in a compact terminal
spike, th a t is more or less of a pyramidal form ; the stem
between th e flowers densely clothed with long shaggy
wool a s are the bractes and calyx. RracZe. lanceolately
a c u ti longer than the c a ly x ; the lower ones longer than
th e fl’owers; imbricate before the flowers expansion,
afterwards spreading. Pez/icfe. very short, villous. Calyx
deeply 5-parted, the segments lanceola.te, their points
b ent a little inwards, nearly equal in length, b u t the
lower ones broadest. Corolla campanulate tubular a t
the base, inflated and campanulate upwards, of a pale
yellow tinged with a rust colour, and netted or marked