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RHÉXIA ciliosa.
Ciliated Rhexia.
Naturai Order. M e l a s t o m a c e æ . B C . prodr. 3. p . 99.
Subordo I. M E L A S T O M E JE . Antheroe apice l-2-porosæ.
T r ih u s ll. R h e x i e æ . AMiAeroe apice 1-porosæ. OvariumVihexum
apice nec squamosum neo setosum. Capsula sicca. Semina cochleata,
hilo orbiculato basilari.—Species omnes (1 exceptà) Americanæ.
B C . l. c.p. 114.
R H E X IA . Calycis tuhus basi ovato-ventricosus apice in collum
angustatus, limbo 4-fido persistente. Petala 4 obovata. Antheroe
8 connectivo non perspicuo nec auriculato. Capsula in ventre calycis
libera 4-locularis, placentis lunatis pedicellatis. Semina cochleata.—
Herbæ (Boreali-Americanæ) loeves. Caules erecti 4-goni. Folia sessilia
integerrima linearia lanceolata vel ovata 3-nervia. Flores in cy-
mam vorymbosam dispositi temati purpurei aut lutei. DC. prodr. 3.
p. 121.
R . ciliosa, caule subquadrangulo lævi, foliis subpetiolatis ovalibus
subtùs glabris; suprà rariter hirtellis margine ciliatis, floribus ter-
nato-conglomeratis sessilibus involucratis. BC.prodr. 3. p. 122.
Rhexia ciliosa. Miehx.fl. bor. am e r.l.p . 221. Purshjl. amer. sept. 1.
p . 2 5 8 .1.10. Spreng. syst. 2.p.310. Plnk. amalth.p.138. t. 425.f . 4.
Perennial. Stems erect, from 6 to 18 inches in height,
smooth and glossy, pale red, slightly quadrangular, the
angles slightly winged. Leaves opposite, nearly sessile,
or with very short footstalks, ovate, acute, strongly 3-
nerved from the base, underneath smooth, except on the
nerves, which are slightly h a iry ; upper side thinly
hairy, the margins fringed, or slightly serrulate, with
the serratures sharply and slenderly mucronate. Flowers
terminal and solitary, or axillary in threes, according
to the strength of the plant, bright purple. Flower-
stems quadrangular and winged. Bractes small, ovate,
acute, ciliate. Pedicles short, sometimes nearly wanting.
Calyx tubular, nearly globular a t the base, thinly
clothed with rigid hairs, tipped with small glands, as
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