2-lipped, gaping at the mouth, inside striped, smooth;
upper lip 2-lobed ; lower one 3-lobed, very slightly bearded:
lobes ovate, rounded. Stamens 5, inserted in the
tube at the base, four producing anthers, and one sterile;
two of the fertile ones longer than the other two : filaments
attached to the hack of the anthers, smooth, the two longest
equal in size throughout, the shorter ones dilated very
much at the base, between those two is the sterile one, dilated
at the point, and bearded on the upper side about
one third its length, very densely so near the point. Ovarium
pyramidal, smooth and glossy. Style smooth, about
the length of the stamens. Stiyma a simple blunt point.
Our drawing of this grand plant was made this Summer
from fine specimens kindly given to us by Messrs. Young,
Nurserymen, at Epsom, who possess a valuable collection
of line herbaceous plants, which they cultivate with great
success; since that we have also received specimens of it
from R. Barclay, Esq. of Bury-hill. It is a native of
Mexico, as we have ascertained by fine specimens in the
Herbarium of A. B. Lambert, Esq. in whose garden at
Boyton they were raised from Mexican seeds. I t is nearest
related to C. campanula ta, but is readily distinguished
by its broad upper leaves; it is also a stronger growing
plant, and its flowers are of a dark purple, and it is altogether
a more desirable plant; when grown in strong
ground, it will sometimes attain the height of five feet,
and continues to bloom from July to October, thriving
best in a rich light soil, but should be protected a little in
severe frosty weather; young cuttings planted under handglasses,
or in a shady border without glass, will strike root
readily, or it may be increased by seeds.
1. Calyx. 2. Corolla spread open to show the inside, and the few hairs on
the lower lip. 3. The four fertile Stamens inserted in the base o f the tube, the
two shortest filament* much dilated at the base. 4. Sterile filament much
bearded at the point. 5. The conical Ovarium, terminated by the Style and
simple blunt Stigma. C. One o f the lower leaves.