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MAGNÒLIA Soulangeàna.
Soulange-Bodin’s Magnolia.
Natural O r d e r . M k g w U X C E M . DC. syst. \ . p. 499.
MAG NO L IA. CaZj/x 3-sepalus, deciduus, mterdùm nullus (sepalis
forsan omninò petaloideis et pro petalis externis habit s%
Petala 6-12, bi-tri-quadruplicive ordine disposita, decidua. Stamina
i Z l r o l Carpelli sp ie aL i eonfertèqne
dehiscenlia, 1-2-sperma, persistentia. Semina baccata,
funiculi nmbiliealis longissimi ope extta
bores pulcherrimce, folia integra; stipn ® 2
teqentes, in gemmam acuminatam-convolute, cito caduca:; « ^ e s ad
afices ramorum terminales, solitarii, breviter
oppositis alabastrum incliidentibus. antheris mtrorsis. ovariis sub-
distantibus. DC. syst. 1. p. 455.
M. SoaZarweaaa, foliis deciduis obovatis abrupte acundnatis reticu-
lato-venLis utrinque pubescentibus, floribus erectis 3-sepabs,
petalis 6 obovatis, stylis subreflexis. c, i
Magnolia Soulangeana. Ann. soe. hortic. par. 2. ea:. Soul. Bod.
A Stout, upright, branching, deciduous Shrub : branches
erect or ascending, when young pubescent afterwards becoming
smooth and glossy, and clothed with a brown bark,
that is spotted here and there irregularly. Leaves deciduous
appearing about the same time as the flowers, obovate,
atte’nuSed towards the base, and terminating rather abruptly
in a taper-point, strongly nerved underneath, the midrib pen-
natel^nerved l i th nelrly horizontal nerves, that are again
branched, so that the leaves are reticulately veined, thickly
clothed with short hairs on both sides, particularly on the
veins but becoming smoother by age. Bractes 3, decidu
ous enclosin» the flower-bud before expansion, ovate or
ova’tely lanceolate, concave and brown on the ^ e r j f o e , th^^^
outside densely clothed or matted with white hairs, that
givi L t T As app»»”“ - of f “ Pf; P«^;
fike, but smaller than the petals, oblong, rounded at the
F u i Dy.jiJ'tveji Jiu-fy. IS Z à . WuidiU-fc