CYPRIPEDIUM spectabile.
Showy Ladies Slipper.
Natural Order. O r c h id e a ;. Broum prodr. 909.
Sect. V I. DIANDRJE. Stamina 2 antherifera.
C Y P R IP E D W M . Supra fol. 71.
C spectabile, caule folioso, lobo styli elliptico cordato obtuso, la-
bello periantbii foliolis obtusis longiore antice fisso.
Cypripedium spectabile. Salisb. linn, trans, v . l . p. 18. WiMen.sp.
pl 4 p. 143. Pursh. f l. amer. sept. 2. p. 594. Hort. Kew. ed. 2.v. o.
p. 2 2 1. Lodd. bot. cab. t. 691. Spreng. syst. 3. p. 745.
Cy pripedium album. Hort. Kew. 3. p. 303. Botan, magaz. 216.
Schnevoogt ÍC.2.
Cypripedium canadense. Mich.ß.amer.'H.
a incarnatum, labello incarnato. Supra f lg . B.
ß album, labello extus albo, foliis palbdioribus. Supra fig . A .
Perennial. Root tufted, producing numerous long fleshy
fibres. Stem slightly flexuose, from 18 inches to 3 feet m
heioht, thickly clothed with unequal spreading hairs, the
points of which are reflexed. Leaves sessile, clasping the
stem, ovate, acute, plaited, channelled on the upper side
with numerous deep furrows, and striate with
small longitudinal lines, strongly nerved underneath, thickly
clothed on both sides with short spreading hairs, the mar-
<dns fringed. Flowers from 1 to 3, terminal, arge, and very
handsome. Ovarium ribbed, densely clothed with reflexed
hairs. Pen a ii/Am mo f 4 leaflets; white, and pubescent on
both sides, upper and lower ones broadly ovate, obtuse,
veined, spreading; side ones broadly lanceolate, and more
acute, also striate, and spreading horizontally. Labellum
very large and inflated, white, the fore-part purple or flesh-
coloured, rarely altogether white as invar. |3, the upper part
split in front, and bent inwards at the mouth ; mside more
m i