combed, the partition between each seed irregular, terminated
in unequal fleshy points. Rays numerous, spreading,
narrowly ligulate or linear, each terminated by three small
teeth, tubular at the base, the tube pubescent, producing a
and bifid stigma, and a hairy seed without pappus.
F le e ts o f the disk numerous, tubular, slender at the base
and widening upwards, 5-toothed, the nerves alternate with
me teeth, which are ovately lanceolate, acute, spreading.
Stamens 5 inserted into the tube : filaments slender, distinct
; anthers connected into a tube, exserted when the
floret is expanded, naked at the base. Akenia or Seed
flat, striate, hispidly hairy, crowned with a double pappus,
which is ra d ia% spreading; the inner one composed of
long slender hairs, the outer one of short flat chafl'-like ones.
Style smooth, exserted. Stigma bifid, the points connivent.
‘ The genus D ip l o c o m a differs essentially from D o r o -
NicuM, in having an imbricate irregular involucrum, by its
chaffy honey-combed receptacle, and finally by its double
seed-crown, and its hornless anthers; its double pappus
in the seeds of the disk, the structure of the receptacle, and
the marginal seeds being destitute of pappus, remove it
widely from the normal group of Inulce; and the same
characters, with the exception of the hornless anthers, will
prevent its being confounded with the genus C h r y s o p s i s
of JNuttall, the D ip l o s t e p h iu m of M. Kunth. We have ascertained
it to be the Doronicum villosum of Sesse and
Mocinno, from comparison of wild specimens in the Lambertian
Herbarium. Our drawing was made from living
samples, communicated by Robert Barclay, Esq. in whose
rich and varied collection at Bury-hill the plant had been
laised last Spring from Mexican seeds.”
For the above account, we are indebted to Mr. David
Don, who kindly allowed us to copy it from his manuscript.
Mr. Cameron informed us that the plants have been in
flower m the borders all the last Summer, and have ripened
seeds, but it will most probably require a little covering in
Winter to preserve it from the severest frost. The generic
name is composed of AiTrAooe, double, and Kopm a lock of
hair, in allusion to the seeds being furnished with a double
3 . 0 ^ ! ^ Rays with the seed at the base,
S the d onbirMnn;., a Pl terminated
w U t h e t e e h W h e i s V fPtead open, to show the nerves alternating
7 Seed show nMth« - “t® ““ ‘hets »nited and the filaments dlstiucL
Ld,1o sht";if oltrp"ap7u:.‘’‘’"*’ ‘''® «•