CUN ILA mariana.
Mint-leaved Mountain Dittany.
Natural Order. L a b i a t a . Brown p ro d r .\. p. 499.
Sect. I. Stamina 2 fertilia ; v. dum 4 fertilia. Anther® omnium
C U N IL A . Calyx c);lindricus, tO-striatus, 5-dentatus, fauceyillo-
sus. Corolla ringens : labio superiore erecto, piano, emarginato.
Stamina 4 : 2 sterilia brevia : 2 fertilia longe exserta. Cariopses 4.
C. mariana, foliis ovatis subsessilibus serratis punctatis glabris ;
nervis subtus hirsutis, corymbis axillaribus terminalibusque di-
Cunila mariana. Linn. spec. pl. ed. 2. p. 30. Willd. spec. 1. p. t-2 .
Vahl enum. 1. p. 214. Pers. syn. 2. p. 129. Pursh f l . amer. sept. 2.
p. 406. Nutt. gen. amer. 1. p. 16. Hort. Kew. ed. 2. v. 1. p. 48.’
Spreng. syst, 1. p. 54. Lodd. hot. cab. t. 1205.
Zizipbora mariana. Rcem. et Schult. syst. 1. p. 208.
Calamintba erecta virginiana mucronato folio glabro. Moris, hist. 3.
p. 413. sect. 11. 1.1 9 ./. l .—Pluk. mant. t. 344. f 1.
Root perennial. Stem erect, much branched, suffrutescent
at the base; branches erect, or slightly spreading,
quadrangular, purple, smooth below, and pubescent upwards.
Leaves opposite, nearly sessile, or with very short
footstalks, ovate, acute, more or less serrate, the teeth r ^
ther distant, punctated with numerous small dots on both
sides, of a smooth glossy green, and slightly hairy on the
' upper side; underneath paler, strongly nerved, the nerves
clothed with long spreading hairs. Petioles very short,
clothed with long hairs. Flowers numerous in our specimens,
of a bright purple, in dichotomous corymbs, both
axillary and terminal, the corymbs several times forked
with a flower in each fork. Bractes oblongly linear, blunt.
Pedicles slender, smooth, purple. Calyx cylindrical, 10-
striate, 5-toothed, clothed with short hairs, the mouth closed