Our drawing of this rare American plant was made at
tlic garden of Robert liarclay, Es(|. at Ihiry-hill, in the
beginning of Aju il last, wlierc it was ilourisliing well in
the open bordo s, along with 0 . viryinica; we cannot
conceive how- the present plant continues so scarce, as it
appears to ripen its seeds abundantly ; but wc believe those
arc seldom noticed, as they rijien very (¡uick, and are then
lost. It succeeds w'ell in a light sandy soil, composed
chiefly of p e a t; the seeds should be sown as soon ns ripe,
they will then become strong, and will flow'er the following
1. The 2-valve<l Calyx, 2. The ñ Stamens attached to the base o f the Petals,
wliich ¡8 left remaining to them. 3. Ovarium terminated by the S tyle and three
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