ZMSniUhZDnU. Rub.by.S-.Swreó-. ûctLâZÔ.
TROPÆOLUM tricolomm.
Three-coloured Indian Cress.
Natural Order. T r o p æ o l e æ . J uss. mem.mus.9. p f i l .
T R O PÆ O LUM . Calyx 5-partitus, irregularis, intra laciniain
inferiorem calcaratus, coloratus. Petala 5, cum lacinus calycis a -
ternantia, magis minusve unguiculata et inæqualia, integra vel incisa;
tria superiora hypogyna, duo inferiora calyci inserta. *<«»»»“
8, hypogyna. Filamenta libera. Anthera biloculares. Ovarium sessile,
tricoccum; ovulum 1 in quolibet cocco, axi centrali affixum
pendulum. Discus nullus. Stylus 1. Stigma trifidum.
coccus, exsucous ; coocis subfungosis, 1-spermis, indehiscentibus,
axi centrali affixis, tardius solubilibus. Endospcrmium nidlum. Lo-
tuledones inter se conferruminatæ. Radícula supera.—Herbæ d j
fusa vel volubiles. Folia alterna, exstipulata {primordifia o p i o f i ,
petiolis basi bistipulatis,) Simplicia et peltata, rarius digitata. Pe-
(íunouli axillares, solitarii, uniflori, ebracleati. Kth. synops. 3.
p. 235-236. _____________
T. trieolorum, caule tenuissimo scandente ramoso, foliis peltatisectis ;
segmentis 6-7 ohlongis obovatisve integris basi attenuatis, petiolis
cirrhosis, petalis unguiculatis calyce persistente subclauso parum
longioribus obtusis integerrimis.
Root tuberous, oblong, with a rough brown bark. Stem
very slender, attaining the height of 10 or 12 feet, very
much branched, smooth, climbing or ascending, supporting
itself by the footstalks of the leaves that twist round and
catch hold of sticks or branches in the same manner as
tendrils which they resemble. Leaves peltate, smooth, divided
nearly to the base into 6 or 7 segments, that are radiately
spreading, unequal in size, oblong or obovate, distinct,
bluntly rounded at the point, or sometimes mucro-
nulate, tapering to the base, but sessile, faintly veined, of
a light green colour. Petioles slender, cylindrical, smooth,
twisted like a tendril, and laying hold of any small branch
within its reach. Flowers numerous, axillary. Peduncles
1-flowered, very slender at the base, thickening upwards,
smooth, purple. Calyx 5-parted, terminated m a long
slender spur at the base, of a glossy scarlet orange-colour,
with a circle of dark purple, nearly black, round the mouth,
the mouth closed inwards, so as only to leave just room
enough for the points of the petals, which extend a little
beyoSd it, inflated below the mouth: spur slenderest in the
middle, thickened and blunt at the end: segments of the
limb straight and rigid, ovate, bluntly rounded thosæ from
which the spur is produced rather largest, but the différence
in their size is very little. P etals 5, inserted in the calyx,
and alternate with the segments, small, unguiculate, broad
and flat at the point, of a bright yellow colour, unequal in