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AMPHBREPHIS intermedia.
Intermediate Ampherephis.
Natural Order. C o m p o s it a :. Adanson fam .2 . 103.
Subordo I I I . CA RD U AC E ^.— Sect. l i t . Vernoniace®.
A M P H E R E P H IS . Involucrum hemisph®ricum, bracteatum,
polyphyllum, imbrioatum. Receptaculum planum, nudum. Flosculi
crebri, omnes tubulosi, hermaphroditi. Akenia cylindracea, sulcato-
costata, nuda. Pappus pilosus, caducus : pilis complanatis. Fruti-
culi ramosissimi, ramis foliisque alternis, serratis. Floribus termi-
nalibus, solitariis, pedunculatis, purpureis. Kth. synops. 2. p. 368.
A. intermedia, foliis oblongo-ovatis serratis basi attenuatis, foliolis
involucri spinoso-aristatis.
A m p h e re p h is in te rm e d ia . PI. sei. hort. ber.f. 5. Lin k enum. 2 .p. 309.
Suit. hort. brit.p. 219.
Stem much branched, suffrutescent at the base: branches
alternate, clothed vtdth a short pubescence, and longer unequal
hairs intermixed. Leaves alternate, oblongly ovate,
acute, attenuated towards the base, and winged down the
petiole, unequally serrate, the teeth large and sharpish,
slightly pubescent; underneath pennately nerved, the nerves
strong and branching near the points : upper side furrowed.
Flowers terminal, of a bluish purple. P eduncle short,
pubescent. Capitulum surrounded at the base by several
leafy bractes, which are unequal in size, the inner ones
smallest. Involucrum hemispherical, composed of numerous
small leaflets, in several series, closely imbricate, lower
ones ovate, terminated by a sharp spiny rigid point, the
upper ones oblong, terminated by a thin membranaceous
point. Receptacle flat, naked. Florets tubular; the tube
very slender at the base, widening a little upwards; the
limb deeply 5-cleft. Stamens 5, the anthers united into a
tube, naked at the base : filaments distinct. Style smooth