of a thin membranaceous texture, green, and striated with
numerous longitudinal lines. Petals 4, inserted in the receptacle,
golden yellow, deep orange-coloured at the base,
broad at the end. Stamens about 30, or rather more: fila ments
short, more or less connected into sets at the base :
anthers golden yellow, linear, two-lobed, bursting by the
sides for the exclusion of the pollen, attached by their base
to the filaments. Ovarium smooth, elongate, 10-striate,
terminated by 4 filiform Stigmas, two about double the
length of the others.
This pretty plant was first discovered, a great many years
since, by Archibald Menzies, Esq. who brought specimens
of it to this country ; it was afterwards discovered by Cha-
misso in the expedition commanded by Captain Kotzebue,
and is described and figured by him in the Horse Physicæ,
where he has named it in compliment to his fellow traveller
Dr. Eschscholtz, Physician and assistant naturalist to the
expedition. But the seeds from which the living plants in
this country were first raised, were sent, we believe, by Mr.
David Douglas, the indefatigable collector sent out by the
Horticultural Society, who discovered it on the coast of
California, and who, by his exertions, has collected a great
number of new and rare hardy plants, with which our gardens
are now enriched.
The present plant is said to be perennial, but from its
appearance we should suppose it to be only an annual, or
at most a biennial ; at any rate it is a very handsome free
flowering plant, continuing to bloom till Winter, and will
flower the first year that it is sown, and ripen its seeds ;
those may either be sown in the open ground, or may be
raised on a hot-bed, and transplanted when young into the
Our drawing was taken at the Nursery of Messrs. Whitley,
Brames, and Milne, at Fulham, where we saw a bed
of it in full bloom this Summer.
1. A few o f tbe Stamens, showing the shape o f the filaments, attached to the
hase o f the anthers. 2. The Ovarium, terminated by the 4 Styles, 2 double the
length o f the others, the ovarium seated at the base o f the tubular receptacle,
the margin o f w hich is shallowly sinuate. 3. Pod , nearly full grown. 4. The
same split open, showing the unripe seeds.