TRILLIUM erythro carp um.
Red-fruited Trillium.
Natural Order. S m il a c e æ . Brown prodr. 292.
T R IL L IU M . Perianthium 6-phyllum, patens: foliolis 3 exte-
rioribns angustioribns calycinis : 3 interioribus petaloideis. Sta-
minaG. / ’¿Zamenia glabra : cnZAera longitudinaliter adnata. Stylus 0.
Stigmata 3, reflexa. Baeca trilocularis, polysperma.
T. erythrocarpm
pum, pedúnculo subcernuo : periantbii foliolis interioribus
ovali-lanceolatis acutis undulatis rccurvatis exterioribus
subduplo longioribus, foliis ovatis acuminatis basi rotundatis brevissime
Trillium erytbrocarpum. Mieh.Jl. amer. 1. p. 2 1 6 . Sprena. sust. 1
p . Ì50. Swt. hort. brit. p. 415. r y u
Trillium piotnm. Pursh. Jl. amer. sept. 1. p. 244.
Root tuberous, in our plant producing three stems.
Stems erect, angular, smooth and glossy. Leaves ovate
taper-pointed, rounded at the base, or sometimes slightly
cordate, with very short footstalks, triply-nerved, smooth
and glaucous. Pedicles slightly nodding, smooth and
glossy, slightly angular. Perianthium of 6 leaflets, spreading
; 3 outer ones calyx-like, green, acute, about half the
length of the inner ones, which are petal-like, ovate, acute
undulate, more or less recurved, white with a bright purple
mark at the base, veined. Stamens 6: filaments smooth •
anthers attached their whole length by their back to the
filaments, two-lobed, bursting on each side : pollen cream-
coloured. Ovarium smooth, 3-ceIled. Style none. Stiq-
mas 3, reflexed or revolute, channelled on the upper side
This plant is described by Pursh, as growing in sphagnous
bogs, on the high mountains of Pensylvania, Carolina and
Canada, flowering in May and June. The plant from
which our drawing was made, was received last Winter from
North America by Mr. Colvill, at whose Nursery our
drawing was made the beginning of May last. The only
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