^ORCHIS sambucina.
Elder-scented Orchis.
Natural Order. O r c h i d e ® . Brown prodr. 1. p. S09.
Sect. I. MONANDRJE. Anthera adnata subterminalis persistens.
Pollinis massce e lobulis angulatis elastice cohaerentibus : basi affixae.
Brown Hort. Kew. ed. 2. v. 5. p. 188.
O R C H IS . Supra fol. 65.
* Radice tuberosa palmata.— f labello diviso.
O. sambucina, labello leviter trilobo crenato : lobo medio angustiori,
foliolis perianthii patulis obtusiusculis, ovarium cornu conicum sub-
sequante, bracteis lanceolatis flore paulo longioribus.
Orchis sambucina. Willden. sp.pl. 4. p. 31. Jacq. aust. 2. 1.108.
Flor. dan. 1.1232. Pers. syn. 2. p. 505. Spreng. syst. 3. p. 688.
Slot, hoi't. brit. p. 382. n. 21.
Root fleshy, flattish, forked at the bottom, each fork
slightly cloven in our p la n t; above the root are several
long fleshy fibres, which nourish the plant for the present
year. Leaves several, broadly lanceolate, bluntish,
channelled on the upper side and keeled underneath,
longitudinally lined, smooth and glossy, those on th e
stem narrower and more acute. Scape erect, leafy, angular,
smooth. Spike terminal, several-flowered. Bractes
lanceolate, scarcely acute, a little longer than the
flowers, smooth, channelled on the upper side and keeled
underneath, of a pale green colour. Flowers pa le
yellow. Ovarium angular, twisted, about the length of the
spur. Pei'ianthium leaflets straw-coloured, b lu n tish ; two
outer side ones rather narrowest and spreading or slightly
reflexed, the others broader and connivent, a little
arched over. Labellum broadish, slightly 3-lobed, and
crenulate, side lobes rounded, the middle one small and
narrow, entire, not emarginate. Spur conical, a little
inflated, about the length of the ovarium, pale yellow..