ÀCI8 rosea.
Rose-coloured Acis.
Natural Order. A m a r y l l i d e ® . Brown p ro d r .l. p.29G.
A C IS . PcriaMí/iiííOTSuperuni, petaloideum, campanulatum: limbo
6-partito, regulan, apice incrassato. Síamiwa O , basilaciniarum glan-
dulosum inserta. Antheree 2-loculares apice dehiscentes. Stylus fili-
forinis. Stigma simplex, obsolete triloba. Capsula trilocularis. Semina
carnosa, angulata. Spatha bivalvis compressa 1 aut multiflora.
Foliis linearibus carnosulis. Radix bulboso.
A. rosea, spatha uniflora, foliolis perianthii oblongis obtusiusculis
integris mafgine membranaceis, foliis angusto-liiiearibus obtusis
subglaucescentibus patulis.
Acis. Salisb. in Parad. londin. 74. in obs.
Leucojum roseum. Mart, ex Spreng. syst. 2. p. 43. Beslong. ex Steud.
nomenc. 1. p. 476.
Bulb nearly ro u n d ; from the bulb proceeds a tubular
membranaceous sheath, ending in an acute point; by
this the leaf and flowers are inclosed. Leaf one only,
in each of our plants when in flower, erect, narrowly
linear, blunt a t the point, bright green, becoming somewhat
glaucescent afterwards, purplish a t the base, ra ther
succulent, slightly hollow on the upper side and
convex below, striated on the lower side, and punctate
or dotted with innumerable very small white dots, that
can be scarcely seen without the aid of a le n s : after
flowering, several leaves are produced from each bulb,
they are then flatly spreading, and remain all the
Winter. Scapes from 1 to 3, flowering in succession, all
single-flowered, longer than the leaves a t the time of
blooming, slightly angular, and longitudinally lined
with numerous prominent lines, of a pale glaucous colour.
Spathe two-valved, one-flowered, the segments
filiformly linear, acute, membranaceous, more than twice
the length of the pedicle. Pedicle short, smooth, striate,
slightly angular, pale green. Flowers nodding, pale
rose-coloured. Ovarmm below the flower, three-sided,
dark green. Perianthium campanulate, deeply 6-parted,
b u t joined at the base : leaflets imbricate, oblong, entire,
bluntish, and terminated in a thickened point. Stamens
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