216. 216
CLAYTONIA grandiflora.
Large-fioivered Clagtonia.
Natural Order. P o r t u l a c e t e . Juss. gen. 312.
CLAYTONIA. Supra fol. 16.
C. grandiflora, foliis lineari-lanceolatis utrinquo attenuatis, racemis
solitariis multillori.s, sepalis obtusissimis, petalis ovalibus obtusis
integris striatis, radice tuberosa.
Root a large tuber. Stems numerous, proceeding from
the root, spreading, succulent, dotted all over with numerous
small white dots. Leaves linearly lanceolate, very long,
tapering to both ends, channelled on the upper side and
slightly keeled on the lower, smooth but dotted with numerous
small dots, succulent; two o'n each stem, opposite, sessile.
Raceme terminal, many-flowered, drooping before the
expansion of the flowers. Pedicles smooth and glossy, slender,
dotted, erect when the flowers are expanded, afterwards
nodding. Calgx 2-valved; sepals ovate, very blunt, nearly
truncate at the points. Petals 5, large, oval, rounded at the
points, entire, of a blush-colour, veined with numerous
branching light purple veins, and a yellow spot near the base
of each. Stamens 5, inserted in the base of the petals; fila ments
smooth, broadest towards the base, attached to the
back of the anthers, which are 2-lobed, and sagittate at the
base. Ovarium smooth, triangular, 3-celled. Stgle smooth,
erect. Stigmas 3, connivent, spatulate, slightly fimbriate.
Our drawing of this fine and rare plant, was made from
one in the collection of Robert Barclay, Esq., of Bury-hill,
near Dorking, where we also saw the true C. virginica in
bloom, with which we have no doubt but the present plant,
and another very distinct one, and perhaps some others, have
been confused by authors, from the want of seeing the plants
Ru-o ip. R JtraeA. A izy JSZfi.