Blue-flowered Platystylis.
Natural Order. L e g u m in o s a ;. DC. prodr. 2 . p. 93 .
Subordo I. PAPILIONACEM— T r ih u s lY .N ic ie s .. Su p ra /o /.l94.
P L A T V S T Y L IS . Calyx cainpanulatus, 5-fid«s, lobis 2 superioribus
brevioribus. Corolla papilionaeea. Stamina diadelpha. Stylus
latus spatulatus apice villosus. Legumen oblorigum uniloculare
bivalve polysperrnnm. Semina subglobosa.—Herb® erectee. Stipul®
semisagittata. Petioli in setam brevem simplicem desiuentes. lo lia
abrupte pinnata paucijuga. Racemi axillares pedunculati.
P . ci/anea, caule angulato basi subramoso, foliis bijugis : foholis a,
nroximatis lanceolato-linearibus cuspidatis longitudinaliter o-7-li-
neatis, stipulis semisagittatis lineari-subulatis, pedunculis elongatis
paucifloris, calyce petalorum iinguibus breviori. ,
Orobiis cyaneus.' Stev. in mem. soc. cur. mosq. 4. p. 51. tam.
suppl. p. 464. DC. prodr. 2. p. 380. Spreng. syst. 3. p. 259.
Root perennial. Stems erect, about a foot high, branching
at the base: branches smooth, angular. Leaves on
short footstalks, bearing two pair of leaflets, the petiole terminated
by a slender setiform leaf-like point, very similar
to the stipules: leaflets near each other, straight, lanceo.
lately linear, acute, terminated by a short mucro, smoo ,
of a Dale »reen, longitudinally lined with five to seven slender
l i n e s . ^Stipules very narrow, semisagittate, broadest at
the base, but terminated
so Ion» as the petioles, which are very short and furrowed
on the upper side. Peduncle very long, quadrangular,
much longer than the leaves, smooth, P M e 's
ered. Floivers large, of a bright purplish blue.
about the length of the calyx. f
purplish: the lacinise short, about half the length of
tabr: two upper ones very short, obtuse : the lower ones
broadly lanceolate, acute. Vexillum large, obovate, notch