Elegant Strept anther a.
p. 302.
Natural Order. I r id e ìe . Brown prodr. \ . p. 30
S T R E P T Spatha bivalvis men • 1 __ T>r>vir,nthiuirn. B-Tiai’tlt
s t r e p t A N T U E R A . apaina uiva.vio membranacea obtusa
sublacera arido-sphacelata. Perianthium 6-partitum, corollaoeura ,
tubo brevissimo: limbo regolari " q aV
filamentis erectis ; anthercu tort® stylo mclus®. Stigmata .i, dilatata,
biloba, fimbriata. Semina globosa.
S eleaans, foliis ensiformibus obtusiusculis striato-nervosis medio
exclsis, scapo 1-2-floro, perianthii laciniis lato-ovatis basi bima-
Bulh-tubers oblong, about the size of a Blackbird’s egg,
clothed with a brown fibrous coat. Stem about a span high,
producing 2 or 3 scapes. Leaves distichous, sword-shaped,
bluntish, with a very short mucro, strongly nerved and striated
narrow'ing as if cut m a little above the iniddle, an
attenuated towards the base, of a pale green colour, inclining
to glaucous, and clothed with an exceeding short pubescence,
not to be seen without the aid of a lens. Scapes
2 or 3 c y lin d r ic a l, smooth, a little flexuose, 1 or 2-flowered.
Spatha short, 2-valved, scariosely membranaceous, obtuse
o i truncate, slightly jagged, ^ ^ ^ ^ e d with irregular br^^^^^
lines Flowers of a pure white, slightly tinged with blush,
with a bright purple centre, above which is a broken circle
of black velvet, marked with large bright yellow spots.
Perianthium salver-shaped, tubular; tube purple, shorter
than the spatha: limb 6-cleft, spreading, flat, the aciniee
imbricate, very broadly ovate, pinnately veined, bluntly
rounded, white, each marked with 2 yellow spots, on a dark
velvet ground. Stamens % inserted in the mouth of the
tube and decurrent down it. Filaments erect, smooth,
broad and channelled inside so as to enclose the style, narrowing
towards the base; anthers 2-lobed, tw ist^ round
aTembracing the style: pollen dark purple. Ovanum
vol.. in. ®
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