I i:
Sims’s hairy Alstroemeria.
iVaZîtraZ Oí-dcr. A m a r y l l id eæ . Kth. synops. I. p. 285.
A L S T ROE M E R IA . S u p ra fol. 228.
A . Simsii, caule e recto glabro, foliis ellipticis spathulatisve glaucis
"subtortis ciliatis, umbella multiflora e re c ta , pedunculis 2-4-floris,
p e rian th ii laciniis inæqualibus subspatbnlatis apiculatis : la te ra libus
su b se rra tis ; superioribus maculatis.
A lstroem e ria Simsii. Spreng. syst. 2. p. 80. Swt. hort. brit. p. 408.
A lstroem e ria pulchella. Sims Botan. magaz. 2353. Hooker exot.
flor. 64. Lindi, botan. regist. 1008. non Linn.
Roots a fascicle of long fleshy white tubers, some of
which are about the thickness of the finger, and extending
from 6 inches to a foot in length. Stems several from the
same root, erect, 3 or 4 feet high, varying in thickness according
to their strength, smooth. Leaves about 3 inches
long, and an inch broad in the widest part, acute, much tapering
to the base, 2 or 3 times twisted, of a white glaucous
colour, pubescent, and fringed at the margins. Umbels
terminal, producing several peduncles or flower stems. Lnvolucre
composed of several leaves. Peduncles smooth,
generally 3 or 4-flowered, with a lanceolate fringed bracteal
leaf at the base of each flower-stalk. Pedicles smooth, a
little angular, thickening upwards. Ovarium below the
flower, 6-angular, smooth, nearly top-shaped. Perianthium
deeply 6-parted, the segments unequal, with cartilaginous
points; 4 lower ones broadest, of an orangy scarlet, spreading
open or a little reflexed : the upper ones narrower, of
a ligher colour, striped or spotted with dark purple or velvet.
Stamens 6 ; filaments smooth, three of them longer
than the others : anthers bursting at various times in succession
: pollen of a greenish grey. Style smooth, purplish.
Stigma trifid, the segments spreading, or reflexed at the
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