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Bearded Cyclobothra.
Natural Order. TüLlPACE®. K th . synops. I. p. 2S2.
C Y C LO B O T H R A . Perianthium petaloidoum, hexaphyllo-par-
titnm, imbricato-subcampanulatuin : foliolis rectiusculis subpatenti-
bus, intus supra basin fovea neotarifera rotunda barbata excavatis ;
exterioribus duplo minoribus. Stamina 6, basi perianthio inserta :
filamenta planiusoula. Ovarium trigonum, trisuicatum. Stigmata 3,
introrsum canaliculata, apice reflexa. Capsula oblonga, obtuse trigona,
polysperma.—Radix tmlbosa. Caulis herbaeeus,foliatus. llo r e s
terminales, subnutantes.
C barbata caule paucifloro, foliis sparsis linearibus acuminatis supra
'canaliculatis glaucescentibus, perianthii foliolis barbatis ; exterioribus
duplo minoribus oblongo-lanceolatis cuspidatis : interioribus
obovatis acuminatis crenulatis, foveo nectarifero rotundato dense
F r S r i a barbata. Humb. Bonpl. et Kunth nov. pl. gen. etspec. amer.
requin. 1- p. 288. Kth. synops. 1. p. 292. Spreng. syst. 2. p . 64.
Root bulbous, oblong, pointed upwards, clothed wi h a
rigid fibrous shell or coat. Leaves very long, leek-hke,
linear, and tapering to a slender point, sometimes more or
less twisted, while others are straight, glaucous, and channelled
on the upper side, the lower side greener keeled and
striate, sheathing the stem at the base. Stem slender, leafy,
about a foot high, smooth but slightly glaucous, bearing
bulbs in the axils of the leaves at the base of the peduncles.
Flowers 2 on our plants, golden yel ow nodding. P e ^ -
cles cylindrical, smooth, bearing a leaf-hke bracte at the
base of each. Perianthium deeply 6-parted the leaflets
scarcely connected at the base; each furnished with a round
nectariferous pit above the base: outer ones about half the
size of the inner ones, broadly lanceolate, sharp-pointed,
creenish on the outside, the nectariferous pit some way
above the base, nearly round and densely bearded inside,
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