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PHLOX odorata.
Sweet-sceìited Lychnidea.
Natural Order. P o l em o n ia c ea ;. D. Don obs. on Polern. p. 4.
P H LO X . Supra fol. 29 ct 190.
P . odorata, caule erecto superne ramoso scabriusculo, foliis acuminatis
glabris margine scabris : inferioribus linearibus : metliis ob-
longo-lanceolatis ; superioribus cordato-ovatis, ramis corymbosis
multifloris subfastigiatis, dentibus calycinis ovatis brevi acuminatis
erectis, coroll® laciniis cuneato-obovatis.
Phlox bimaculata. Hortulanorum.
Stem Straight, erect, in our specimens three feet high,
branching from about the middle, bluntly four-sided, green,
more or less spotted with irregular spots and marks, the lower
part smooth and glossy, upper part and the small branches
roughish, and clothed with a short pubescence. Leaves
variable, smooth, and glossy; tapering to a long slender point;
the margins rough, of a dark glossy green on the upper side,
underneath paler; lower ones linear, the next lanceolate,
others oblongly lanceolate or ovate, the upper ones cordately
ovate, all opposite or very rarely slightly alternate, in which
it differs from P. maculata, P. latifolia, and some others,
in which the upper leaves are mostly alternate. Branches
opposite, slender, pubescent, terminated with a cymose corymb
of flowers, at the base of which are two leaves opposite
to each other. Corymbs rather crowded with flowers,
flattened at the summit, the fascicles several-flowered. Bractes
narrow, linear or subulate. Pedicles short, purplish,
pubescent. Flowers of a bright red lilac, very sweet-scented.
Calyx short, tubular, 5-toothed, 5-angular, smooth,
membranaceous between the angles, of a brownish purple:
teeth short, ovate, with a short acuminate point, erect or the