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\è byRf-WAeCAup.JàZ'S.
NICOTIÁNA noctíflora.
Night-Jloweríng Tobacco.
Natural Order. Solanea. Brown p rodr.l. p. 449.
N ICO T IAN A . Supra fol. 107.
N noctíflora, glanduloso-viscosa, foliis petiolatis oblongo-lanceolatis
MUtis undulato-crispis, floribus panicuiatis hypocratenfor-
niibus, coroll® tubo cylindraceo calyce multoties longiore; limbi
laciniis ®qualibus obcordatis emarginatis.
Nicotiana noctíflora. Hooker Botan. magaz. 2785.
Apparently perennial, viscous or clammy, and thickly
clothed all over with short spreading hairs. Stems erect,
two to three feet high, branching, strong and disagreeably
scented. Leaves oblongly lanceolate, acute, tapering to the
base, where they end in a longish footstalk, very much waved
or curled near the margin; lower ones broadest, becoming
gradually narrower upwards. Petioles slightly winged on
lach side, flattened above, and convex
terminal panicles, white, or slightly tinged at foe back with
a purplish green, slightly drooping, or leaning forwards,
swrat-scented. J5ractosmall,hnear,acute. Pedicles Aioxt,
cylindrical, slightly nodding. Calyx tubular, deleft i
Lents short, narrowly lanceolate, acute, keeled at foe back,
foe keel extending down the tube, between whichit is teans-
parent Corolla tubular, salver-shaped ; tube cylindrical,
n S X equal, but slenderer towards the base, near y three
times the length of the calyx, greenish white, footed in a
little in five small hollows just above foe insertion of the
stamens, and a little way above the calyx; hmb spreading,
1 n ft elio-htlv 5-cleft foe segments obcordate, rounded,
noteh* » d ch.»neBed down the
centre on foe upper side, white, or tinged with a gieenish
purple at the back. Stamens 5, of various lengths, inserted
hi the tube and decurrent down it; two of them pnerally
exserted : filaments slender, densely hairy at the base, and
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