ECHEVÈRIA grandifolia.
Largest-leaved Echeveria.
Natural Order. C r a s s u l a c e æ . DC. prodr.3. p .3 8 l.
Tribus I. CRASSULEÆ. Carpella inter se omnmo libera, matura
ángulo interno debiscentia. n .-i,
E C H E V E R IA . Calyx 5-partitus, sepalis folia referentibus erectis
imâ basi concretis. Petala 5, inferné coalita erecta crassa rigi-
dula ad nervum medium crassiora et fere bast trígona acuta. Ma
mina 10 petalis breviora basi cum petalis concreta. Squama 5 breves
obtusæ. Carpella 5 in stylos subulatos abeuntia.—Frútices ca» -
nosi Mexicani. Folia alterna caulina aut rosulata suhopposita tnte-
gerrima enervia. Flores seeds racliin aut seeds cyma ramos sesstles,
coccinei autflavi. DC. prodr. 3. p. 401.
E.qrandifolia, suffruticosa, ramis floriferis elongatis foliisque coe-
ruleo-glaucesceutibus, racemis ante anthesin incurvis ; post anthesin
erectis axillaribus Miosis plurifloris; floribns pedicellatis, laciniis
calycinis valde inæqualibus, foliis p in p ib u s
na tis; inferioribus rosulato-confertis subpetiolatis obovatis basi
canaliculatis ; rameis sessilibus supra planis ^ b tu s
Echeveria grandifolia. Haworth in Taylor’s Philosophical Maga-
zine and Annals. Aug. 10, 1828.
Suffrutescent, succulent; the plant from which our drawing
w as made, about 6 inches in height, producing three
flowering stems that were from four to five feet m length,
and would be considerably longer before they have done
blooming; the stems smooth, cylindrical, and as well as the
leaves of a beautiful blue glaucous colour, producing flowers
nearly their whole length. Leaves thick and succulent,
smooth, terminated by a sharp horny spinous mucro : lower
ones closely crowded, rosulate, or spreading round like an
expanded rose, broadly obovate, attenuated at the base into
a short petiole, channelled on the upper side at the base,
and bluntly keeled underneath, obsoletely nerved, the margins
smooth and purple : the lowermost a foot long, and 6
inches broad in the broadest part ; those on the flower stems
alternate, becoming gradually narrower upwards, sess'le, or
the lower ones with a short footstalk, of a beautiful blue
glaucous colour, the upper side flat, and slightly convex below
: upper ones narrowly obovate, or ovate, some of them
approaching to lanceolate. Racemes axillary leafy, slightly
angular, smooth, of a blue glaucous colour, the lower ones
Q to 3-flowered, the upper ones many flowered, nodding oi
incurved before the expansion of the flowers, afterwar^^^^^^
coming erect. Pedicles about half an inch in length, slightly
angular, of a glaucous blue colour. Calgx inferior deeply 5-
cleft, the segments leaf-like, succulent, straight, lanceolate,
acute, mucronulate, very unequal m size, some three times