PHLOX scabra.
Rough-leaved Lychnidea.
Natural Order. P o l e m o n ia c e a . D . Pon. obs. on Polem. p. 4 .
P H LO X . Supra fol. 29 et 190.
P . scabra, caule inferne glabro superne pubescente, foliis oblongo-
lanceolatis acutis supra scabris: margine undulatis denticulato-
scaberrimis, floribus laxe panicuiatis, calycibus pdosis : dentibus
subulatis rectis, tubo coroll» curvato villoso ; lacinus obovatis patentibus.
Phlox americana. Hortulanorum.
Stem erect, 3 to 4 feet high, slightly decurrent, of a pale
green, smooth, and glossy below ; the upper part pubescent,
dark purple at the joints. Leaves or short footstalks, opposite
oblongly lanceolate, acute or taper-pointed ; the lower
ones becoming narrow towards the base, upper ones much
broader, very rough like a rasp on the upper side, of a bright
areen: underneath paler, smooth, pennately nerved, the
nerves much branched, and connected a little within the
mamins, the margin much undulate, and sometimes slightly
recurved, very rough, occasioned by minute teeth which
bend inwards ; upper leaves pubescent and fringed with
longish hairs. Flowers fragrant^ of a lilac colour, lightest
at the base, in loosely spreading panicles, the branches clothed
with stiffish unequal short hairs, and terininated by a
loose many-flowered corymb. Bractes lanceolate, fringed
with long hairs and tapering to a long slender point. Pedicles
slender, pubescent, purplish. Calyx tubular, very hai-
rv 5-angled, membranaceous between the angles, terminated
in 5 long slender straight subulate teeth which are very
taper-pointed. Ctyrolla tubular, with a 5-cleft, divaricate y
snreading limb ; tube a little curved, densely clothed with
villous hairs : segments of the limb rather long and narrow. »