AUBRIETIA purpurea.
Purple-flowered Aubrietia.
Naturai Order. C r u c if e r a :. DC. syst. 2. p. 139.
Subordo I. PLEURORHIZEM. Cotyledones pianse accumbentes.
Radícula lateralia. Semina compresa.
Tribus I I . ALFSSIADJBseuPleurorhizeaeLatiseptse. iiihcula
longitudinaliter dehiscens, septo lato ovali J Ì s
plaSis aut ooncavis. Semina compressa s^pè marginata. Cotyledones
pianse, accumbentes, septo parallel®. DC. I. c. p.
a u b r i e t i a . Ca/ya; clausus, basi bisaccatus. PeioZa ungmcu
lata limbo integro. Stamina majora edentula, 2 minora mtùs dente
aucta. Silicula oblonga, stylo persistente superata,
planis septo elliptico. Semina plurima, immarginata. Cotyledones
San® a co um b en te s.-a e rb® hasi ,w X ’
lilosiusaila. Folia ovata aut oblonga integra aut
pilü simplicibvs aut pareé ramosis puberula. Racemi ®
irminales, laxi, paueiflori. P e d c e lli/ZiforRies, eftrqcieaiz. Flores
purpurascentes aut albi. Habitus jè r e Maleorma. D C .l. c. p. 293.
A. purpurea, pedicellis calyce brevioribus. DC. syst. 2. p. 294.
Prorfr. 1. p. 158.
A u b rie tia p u rp u re a . /lori. oni. p. ¿0.
Arabis purpurea. Sibth.fl. grae. t. 643. Smith prodr. 2. p. ¿8.
Perennial, tufted. Stems short and dense, suffruticose
at the hase, very much branched, the branches very short
and very much crowded, clothed with fascicles of stellate
hairs and longer ones intermixed. Leaves scattered, very
much crowded, oblong, or spathulate, obtuse, attenuated at
the base into a kind of footstalk, sometimes entire and
sometimes with 1, 2, or 3 teeth on each side thickly
clothed on both sides with a grey stellate pubescence.
Racemes erect, terminal or opposite to a leaf, seldom more
than 3-flowered. Pedicles a line or 2 long, shorter than the
calvx Plowers about the size, or scarcely as large as A.
deltoidea, of a purple lilac. Cahjx dosed erect, 2-gibbous
at the base, stellately pubescent. Petals 4, with a long unguis,
obovate or cuneate, the unguis longer than the cafyx
%a¡nens6, two shorter than the others. Ptlaments ddaied
Asi frree/ Pune
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