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CLAYTONIA caroliniana.
Spatula-leaved Claytonia.
Naturai Order. P o r t t j l a c e æ . J uss. g en .9\2.
C L A Y T O N IA . Supra fa i. i6.
C. caroliniana, foliis radicalibus brevi ovalibus triplinerviis loiige
pctiolatis ; caulinis oppositis subsessilibus spatbulatis utrinque at-
tenuatis in petiolum decurrentibus, racemo solitario, sepalis obtu-
sis, petalis subrotundis retusis, radice tuberoso.
Claytonia caroliniana. Mieli, f l . amer. f. p. 100. Pers. syn. 1. p. 253.
Hort. Kew. ed. 2. v. 2. p. 53. Ucern. et Schult, syst. 5. p. 433.
Spreng, syst. 1. p. 701.
Claytonia spathulæfolia. Salish. parad. t. 71. Pursh. f l. amer. sept.
\ .p . 175.
Root tuberous, producing several leaves and flower-
stems. Leaves oval or spathulate, triply-nerved, entire,
smooth; those at the root oval, with a long slender footstalk
; stem-ones opposite, more spathulate, nearly sessile,
or tapering at the base into a sort of decurrent footstalk.
Flower-stems spreading, simple, smooth and glossy, tinged
with red or flesh-colour. Raceme terminal, simple, nodding
before the flowers expand, afterwards becoming erect.
Flowers all leaning to one side, of a pale blush, elegantly
striped with purple lines. Pedicles smooth and glossy,
short and nodding before the expansion of the flowers,
lengthened and erect when in bloom, w’hen in fruit cernuous.
C d y x 2-valved. Sepals broadly ovate, concave, bluntly
rounded or truncate. Petals 5, roundly oval, with a small
notch at the point, unguiculate, elegantly veined, with a
bright yellow spot at the base of each. Stamens 5, inserted
in the claws of the petals : filaments smooth, broad
at the base and tapering upwards, inserted in the hack of
the anthers, spreading: anthers red. Ovitrmwt triangular,
smooth. Style smooth, scarcely as long as the
stamens. Stigmas d, blunt, erect or slightly spreading.