Hoary Sea Lavender.
Natural Order. P l u m b a g i n e a . Brown prodr. 425.
T A X A N T H E M A . Supra fol. 37.
T incana foliis lanceolatis trinerviis subundulatis apice mucronatis
incano-’pubesceutibus, scapo paniculato ramosissimo, ramis tri-
TaxTnthema incana. Swt. hort. brit. p. SS2. Penny in Young’s Hors,.,.
llmh T T 2 5 . Willden. s p .l. p. 1525. Pers. syn. 1. p. 333. M.
Bieb. f l taur. cane. 1. p. 251. Reem. et Schult. syst. 6. p. 783.
S t a t e T p Ä ' Ä cat. agypt. p. 65. ». .92. ncc a lu fin .
Statice rubella. Gmel. it. 2. t. 34. Gmel. syst. veg. 1. p. 512.
Perennial; herbaceous. Leaves radiately spreading,
the centre ones erect, lanceolate, acute, more or less undulate,
terminated by a sharp rigid mucrone, tapermg to a
long slender base, clothed with a short hoary pubescence,
3-nerved, the margin smooth but of a cartilaginous substance:
lower ones broadest, elliptically lanceolate, becoming
nearly smooth by age ; while young clothed with a
short dense hoary pubescence. Stem from a span to a foot
in height, according to the strength of the plant the lower
part cylindrical, paniculately branching:
vanicle alternate, numerous, many tunes d'vided, trique-
teous, the angles slightly winged, clothed with a short close
pressed pubeLencer flowering spikes short, -u c h crowdefo
Flowers all facing one way, varying on different plants from
dark red to very light, on some plants nearly white.
tes clasping the stem, ovate, keeled, taper-pointed. Glumes
3, surrounding the calyx, their margins membranaceous
inner one trifid, the points subulate; the others entire cucullate
and dilated at the base, tapering to a slender point.