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of being dead or sphacelate. Receptacle naked, dotted,
glossy. Rays about 16, ligulate, spreading, 4-nerved,
3-toothed at the point, tubular at the base, bearing a style
and perfect seed, but no stamens. Florets o f the disk tubular,
dilated towards the mouth, 5-toothed, the teeth of
a brown orange colour. Stamens 5, inserted in the tube :
the filaments distinct; anthers all connected into a tube,
naked at the base. Style smooth, exserted beyond the stamens.
Stigma bifid, dilated, spreading. Seed hairy, terminated
by a pappus of numerous long rough hairs.
This very handsome Alpine plant is a native of Switzerland,
and is very liable to rot in Winter, in this country,
except grown in rock-work, where the wet does not
stay long to injure i t ; if grown in the open borders, it will
require to be planted in a light sandy soil; and when there
is a continuance of rain or damp weather, it will be necessary
to cover it with a pot or some other covering to keep
off a part of the moisture; but it must be left exposed
when the weather is favourable; or it may be grown in pots
in a light sandy soil, it can then be protected in frames,
but it must be always exposed when the weather is favourable
: dry frost is also very injurious to it, but if covered
with snow it will take no harm.
Our drawing was made, last Summer, from fine plants
in full bloom at the Nursery of Mr. Colvill, where they
were raised from seeds received from the late Mr.
Schleicher; it is desirable for its fragrance as well as
1. Part o f the Involucrum, showing the length of the segments, inclosing the
naked dotted Receptacle. 2. Ray, with the seed at the base. 3. Floret o f the
disk, showing the five teetli, with the seed at the base. 4. The 5 Stamens, the
anthers united together, tlie filaments distinct. 5. Seed, terminated by the
Style and bifid Stigma.
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