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LATHYRUS amphicarpos.
Subterranean Lathyrus, or Earth-pea.
Naturai Order. L e g u m in o s a :. D C .p ro d r .2 .p .99.
Subordo I. PAPILIONACEM.— Tribus IV. ViciEA). Supra fo l .
L A T H Y R U S . Supra fol. 194.
Sect. I. E u l a t h y r u s . Vexillum basi édentatum. Foliola opposita
vel abortii nulla. Petiolus angustè alatus.
§. 2. Anxrai, pedunculis 1-3;^oì ìs. ** Foliis unijugis.
L. amphicarpos, caulibus alatis diffusis, foliolis lanceolatis cirrhis
simplicibus, stipulis semisagittatis unidentatis petiolo longioribus,
pedunculis unifloris folio longioribus, leguminibus caulinis subter-
raneisque ovatis dorso et fronte bialatis subdispermis, serainibus
Lathyrus amphicarpos. Linn. spec. 1029. Brot. f l . lus. 162. t. 66.
Willden. sp. p i 3. p. 1078. Pers. syn. 2, p. 304. Hort. Kew. ed. 2.
V. 4. p. 90Ò. DC. prodr. 2. p. 373. Spreng. syst. 3. p. 261.—J/orts.
hist. 2. p. 61. sect. 2. t. 25. / . 1.
Root annual, fibrous, some of the fibres hearing large
tubercles. Stems numerous, much branched: branches
spreading in all directions, smooth, 4-angular, two of the
angles winged. Leaves smooth, bearing one pair of leaflets ;
the lower ones terminated by a very small leaflet: upper
ones terminated by a simple tendril, which is more or less
twisted : leaflets 3-nerved, smooth, those on the lower
leaves short, nearly ovate, obtuse; on the upper ones lanceolate
and acute, spreading. Petioles short, slightly winged,
flat on the upper side, and keeled on the lower, not
so long as the stipules. Stipules lanceolate, acute, semisa-
gittate, with one small sharp tooth on each at the outside,
taper-pointed at the base. Peduncle 1-flowered, generally
longer than the leaf, with a short blunt bracte at the base of
the pedicle. Calyx campanulate, 5-cleft, the lacinim lanceolate,
acute, keeled, spreading; the two upper ones
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