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HIBISCUS roseus.
Rose-coloured Hibiscus.
f o lS f p a u c is aut inter se coalitis Petala tane non
mata 5. Carpella in capsnlam 5-locularem coahta, ^alviB intUs me
T o “ eptiferis! loculis polyspermis aut rariùs monospermis. DC.
^ '’¿ c tV ^ l '‘a b e lm o sch u s . Carpella polysperma. Semina glab
ra aut in d o reo lin e à subviUosâ. borollæ expansæ. Involucella
foliolis 8-15 integris constantia.
§. 2. Caule in e rm i.- ** Species perennes.
H roseus foliis cordatis dentatis subtrilobis subtùs cano-tomentosis,
pedTcellis axillaribus à petiolo liberis uniflons suprà medium arti-
H i Ï u s r o f e S . ^ r Ï k . i» L o ü f i . gall. 2. p . 434. D C .f l.fr . suppl.
R,os’a *M o soW o f PUnii! ^ o r is . hist. 2. p . 532. s. 5. 1.19. / . 6.
Root perennial, producing several stems frotn the ground.
Stems erect, simple, 3 or 4 feet high, slightly angular,
clothed with numerous stellate bunches of very short hairs.
Leaves alternate, of rarely opposite, cordate, tapering to
a long slender point, slightly 3-lobed and toothed with num
e ro ^ blunt rounded teeth, very soft to the touch, feeling
like soft velvet, the upper side clothed with the little bunches
of short hairs like the stem, that, at length, wear off ;
the margins also thickly covered with the same : underneath
densely clothed with a close short white tonientum, the
nerves underneath branching and covered with the same
Petioles slightly flattened on the upper side and rounded
below, thickly covered with little bunches of short hairs.
Flowers axillary, very large and handsome of a delicate
rose-colour. Peduncles about the length of the pedicles,
iointed above the middle, also clothed with little bunches
of short hairs, the upper part above the joint thickest. I n volucre,
or outer calyx, of 10 to 12 leaflets, that are linear,
acute, densely tomentose, all connected m a ring at the base
Calyx proper tubular, campanulate, 5-toothed, also clothed
with a short dense tomentum, and striate or veined with
numerous longitudinal ribs, or veins; teeth ovate, acute.
VOIi. III. ^
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