GALEGA persica.
Fersian Goafs-Rue.
Naturai Order. hEavw.\NOSB.. Juss. gen.345.
Subordo I. PAPUAONACEJE.-Tribm 11. Loto®. Supra fol. 169.
Subtribus IV . Galoge®. Legumvn uniloculare. Stamina dìMÌel-
pba rarius monadelpba. Caules b e r b a c c i fruticosi aut arborei. lo lia
primordialia aut alterna aut opposita disparia, imo simpliei, alleio
pinnato. DC. prodr. 2. p. 243.
G A L E G A . Supra fol. 169.
G. persica, foliolis ovato-oblongis s.ibrotusis raucronalis glauces-
centibus, caule angulato tlexuoso, stipulis augusto anceolatis sa-
gittatis, bracteis lineari-subulatis pedieellis longioribus.
Galega persica. Pers.sgn.-2. p . OC. prodr. 2. p . '248. Swt. hort.
brit. p . 124.
Root perennial. Stern.s several, much branched from
near the base; hranches nearly erect, or more or less
spreading, flexuose, angular, lurrowed smooth, tinged with
purple at the joints, from 2 to 3 feet high. Leaves alternate,
pinnate, generally producing 5 pair of leaflets, and
terminated l>y a terminal one; on weak branches there are
sometimes not more than 3 or 4 pair ot leaflets on each
leaf, and on strong ones sometimes 6 iiair; leaflets opposite,
ovate or oblong, rounded at the point, and slight y
retuse, terminated bv a sharp weak mucrotie, smooth on
lioth sides, the upiier side of a blue glaucous colour, underneath
green, and pennately veined, the veins buinched
Petioles smooth, angular, turrowed on the ujipcr side, and
thickened at the base. Stipules narrowly anccolate, taiier-
pointed, broad at the base and sagittate, the ears long and
taper-pointed. Flowers white, slightly sweet-scented, m
close axillary racemes, which are very numerous, one m the
axil of each leaf, sometimes longer than the leaves, and
i'iial f‘j|