ceeded with great caution,; as - we .continually,; eftpe&Od to -appr.Qaeh|forne
-v— -' great rapid or fall.- ^This was-fuch a prevalent idea, that all of us were,
occalionally perfuade.d that-.we;heard thofe founds which» betokened a fall
qfwater. Our courfe’changed, to;Weft byiNortfe;aIonjg>t]ae mountain^*
:. twelve miles,'North:by Weft twenty-one,miles, and at eight o^ockin the
evening we went on fhore for the night; on+the North - fefepf.thhpiyer.
We faw feveral encampments of .the natives, fome o f whiqhjhad?! been-
ere&ed in the prefent Ipring, and others at .fome -former pe,riod. ,; -;Tthe>
- hunters killed only one fwan and a beayeWthe latter, was- th,e- firft of
itskind which'we; had feen in :thi.s-river; The Indians complained of the
perfevcrance with which we pufhedjj forwardyrand rthat cbhey wer^-pd-t
agcuftomed to fuch fevere fatigue as inoccafipned.;
Friday 3. f The rain wasT continual 'through -the night, andtffhdcriot^fpb^do'tjil
feventhis morning, when we embarked and fleered, Mpr-thf-J^ortfh-We/^-fpr
twelve mileSj'the river being enclofed- by high mo untafejy.p.Hj eit-her? fidp,
We had a ftropg. head-'windj and the- rain^was-fo -violent tasS tp-f^^pel
U§jtpfand at clock. Accordingfo .my trfcpfe,i|ijjg-,fin cemy 1 aft
ObfepVat-ionr,< wefhad run two. hundred . and feye$|een .mijlffs:
fdr^ffohr^mifcs*N°:rth. At a quarter pafthtwo jEhe^rai^^thJ^^
we gqragain under, way, our former ; courfe. coht:idui$grp^|a^|^| ng|^.
Ile re a river fed in,from the Nprth, and in a (hort timjejthe purroE^sh,©-
pame ftrong a.Bdf^pid,'ranning whh great rapidity am;o|ig g^ k y c4 aFA
which were the firft that we. had, feendn this>, river, and indiqf|e^i»r
near- approach to rapids and falls. Our prefent courfe was Nonh-
Weft by North ten mile^ North-Weft three miles, Weft-North-Weft
twelve miles, and North-Weft •'three..^il^wh^V^^ca» pg4 at eight
m%he "evening^ atthefö'öbóf an high'.hill, on the^'dorth fhore, w^ch in
fotfe parts rofe-përpendichflirfrdrai -the'«ver. I imrnëdiately afcënded it*
aecOrripaniëd^by !two -m'en and-fene'Indians,» and in abótft/an hour and
ah h^lf/'with^Vèpyhard walking, ^fefgain’ed» thetfumtmt, ;wnen I was» very
muffe furprizeddb' fed ‘it- èrównedcby .an'^döanip'mentS'Éföie Irfdians informed
hfe1/ that i f is thé caftorn^ öfuhe 'pebpfe who have-no arms?,to
Jé'M'öbfÓ th'efd elevated tfpotM’ër th^pfö'ëë^dB theitóVëfidenfce^ asithey, can
rèïfder’ thfem-iriacce'ffibl© tad-heirKenëmie's; parÜGiferl^theb Knifterie&tax,
of wh^n^bey^are infcpntin-ualttfréad.' V.The ,ps©fge6fe'from,this height
was nót-fo'ièxtóflfiye !aSliwfe > expeéled,iasvikWas' 'terminatedlby a circular
rahge 'of hills*iof th'e fame-èlevati'bn'sas. th’aüoh whichïwe,floodi I Theiiri-
fOrVals between*the fiilfewér! covêfitdt.witfe fmall fekesywhioh^werdinha-
bitèd'byfgreat numbers of fwans. ^ p ie faw-snor trees'but-,the pineland 'the
birbnilwMteh-'wërd'fmall infize and.'few in hurnber*
i •g We -wereiobligedi toqfhorten o e f ftay, herepfrom 'thè»-fwarms ofi fiiuf-
cfdfcóes I which attached us «on alMMes,i'and wèrep iridee$j$|;he only in-
habifenits?oE'the plane.: i-Wfefaw!iifèyeral.sehcamprheMtSJ,of the nattvesiim
itihe. cdifhfe.iO'ËJthei day,: but j&oneStofbthenK were o f tbisfö^anV.efehhfh-
nient. I Sinderfourin rhe.iaftermoorèthe 'burrent ;had bëemfo; ftrong that it
was,’ at lehgtwflin an; a&ual ©bulfeon, »and produced afehHfing^noiik like
aakettle of watjefein a -moderate flare »iof feilingu (Theffweather w.aknow
become -.e^trerriely/eold;. which wass-thfeSfeorp feofiblyTelt^.as.it hadfbeen
very fultry fome. time before;andifinde. we had?been in the river .-hi?
; ; At 'five in the] morning the wind-and* weather- having undergone no
alteration from yefterday? we' proceedéd'North-Wefl;by'Weft twenty-two