December. 1 was very much furprifed on walking in the woods at fuch an incle-
1 ment period o f the year, to:be faluted with the finging of bihfc, while
they feemed by their vivacity to be aftuated by the invigorating power
of a more genial ,fea£bh. O f thefe birds the male was fomething lefe
than the robin; part of his body is of a delicate fawn colour.,' and his;
neck, breaft, and belly, of a deep fcarlet; the wings are blank, edged
with fawn colour, and two white ftripes running acrofs themthe tail- is{
variegated, and the head crowned with a tuft. The female is fmtallef
than the male, and of a fawn colour throughout, exception the'neck,
which is-enlivened by an hue of■ gloffy' ye! low. I have no doubt but
they are conflant inhabitants o f thissclimate, as well as fome'other fmaJl
birds which we faw, o f a grey oolour.
j • .C H A F T E R II.
Removedfrom the tent to 'the houfe. Build habitations fo r the people, The
1 hafdJRips they'Juffer. Violent hurricane. Singular circumjlanccs atten
d in g it. The commencement o f the.jiew y ear. An Indian cured o f a
dangerous wound. ~ State ° f the iqeather. Curious cufloms among the
‘ Indians, on the death o f a relation. Account o f a quarrel. An Indian’s
reafoning on it. M w a e r ff ofe- o f the Indiansi The tca/ufe o f it. Some
' ’ account o f the Rocky Mountain Indians. Curious circumfance. refpeHing
a woman in labour, fSc'. , A difpute between two Tndians, which arofe
from gaming. An demount o fr one of. their games. Indian fuperJUtion.
Jr Milanefs ;q f the: Je'afon. The Indians prepare fn ow Jhoes. Singular
cufloms. Further account o f their mannersfd The Jlavifh f a t e o f the
women. Appearance offpring._ Difpatch ,canoes with the trade to Fprt
Chepewyan. Make preparations fo r the voyage o f difovery.
I . THIS day removed from the tent into the houfe which had been
erefled for me, and fet all the men to begin the buildings intended for
their own habitation. Materials, fufficient. to ere6t a range of five houfes
for them, of about feventeen by twelve. feet, were already collefted. It
would be confidered by the inhabitants <pf a milder climate, as a great
evil, tfc> be expofed to the weather at this rigorous feafon of the year, but
thefe people are inured, to it, and it is neceffary to deferibe in fome meafure