v^feeficë they throw-ftelnés wkhfuek dexterity-^thafc they prove very
formidable weapèés in the day o f battle.
We alföTe&réed fo addition from thë i%tivë&j that we fhould not fee
any- more qjf their Nations, as they had alPieft the river tö go in purfuit
of rein-dèër for theiV proVifiodfr, and that they tsherafel-ves (hould engage
in a ffmilar expedition in a few days. Rein-deer, bears, wolvei^ensj
martens,* foxes, hares, and white buffaloes are the.-only quadrupeds in
. their country ; änd thft-thte latieF^wére only to befoirtid in the mountains
tO th eWèftward.
'W e proceeded with the line throughout the dÂÿ£:€3féept two hours,
VAëtÉ We ödplöyèd the fail. Wë; encamped eight'(ih;the eVehih^.
Frôm the- pJace;^ - ‘ quitted this morning, ÄÖ hank's ÉË| fié river are Well
ëôvered with/ fmall •%ôc^i*l|>ïtjee,';;firs,: ! birch, and willow. We found it
vèry warm during: the whole o f our ’firöiffefeß^
Thurfdayag. At five in the morning we proceeded on our voyage, hut found it
Very difficult to travel-along the hedch; Wd'êSféVveÖ fevëraî ^aëes wSere
the natives had ftationed thèanfelvëâahfl fet their ne^s findèfouf paffage
downwards. Wë paffed a fmall river,3éàd^aît ®fd #dÔfeKr d t f Ihffiahè
put to Ofore -in "order tdeneatop, but wé’ph^eededfoïlw&idis, %bichv dif-
pleafed them very much, from the fatigue ’they fùfferçd, and at eight We
encamped at our |fofitiön of the-8th inftarit/ The day Wäs Wry fine,
and we ^plcqied die towing line throughont’thé cöurfe o f it; A t ’teb,
our hunters returned, füllen and diffatisfied. We had not touched any
of our provilion ftores for fix-days, in which time we hadconfumedtwO
reiff-deer, four fwans,, forty-five’geefe, and a confiderahle quantity of filh: *7%.
but it is to be confidered, that we were' ten mefl, and four women. '-rrv^
I have always obferved, that the north men poffeffed ver^ hearty appe-
-tites, but they were very .»much exceeded by thofe with me, fince we
entered this river. Ifhould really have thought it abfolute gluttony in
my people, if my own appetite had not increafed ina fimilar proportion.