They are, at thfefap,© tlipe. föfe|eS tö ey^y o f'doreeftic drudgery
they drefs. the leather,-make the clt^hes’abdfhoes, weave the nets^riqfeêi
wood, ere& the t^BtSy,fgtch water, and perform^vfey^culinaryfqrvicg^ jp
that whop the dutfes of- maternal eare;are addedy i t ipilè appear »that
the life o f thefe wómenis an. uninterrupted fueeeffioe Ofs toil) and |||im
Thfe, Indeed, is the fegdk they entertain o f their own •fitrÉttèon; and,
under th^, inh^inge of^thati.feptiment, flfey.are femettwés» known >to
cleltrey- their female cbüdi'en, to favjLrihen&ftomi the milfeicb whieib -they
themfe]ve$ have fuffered. They #ife ha^e 4 ; ready w&yii hy thfi;tle of
certain hippies, of prpcqpng abortions, which they ffeb^timés^pra^ifeh
from their hatred o f the father, or to fave themfelves the trouble, which
children occafion: and, as I have been credibly informed, >thisunna-.
tural aft is repeated without any injury ’ to the healthi® the Wo toen
who perpetrate it,
The fimeraf titei^egin, like all other fblefnti ceremonials* wttffffri&k-1
ing, and are concluded by a feaft. The body is drefled in the befl habffi-
meifts pefl^ed by the deceafed, or Eisjrelations, arid is then dep.ofitfrih
in. a grave, lined with branches: feme domeftic ütenlïfe'Jlfrh'placed "on
it, and’ a kind of canopy erefted over it " During this ’ eferémdhy, ’gréSt
lamentations are made, and if the departed perfbrt is very much regretted:
the near relations cut off their hmr,‘pierêê the fteviiy'T®L-t óTtlièir-ihighs
and arms with arrows, knives/'&c. arid blacken their faces with charcoal.
I f they have diftinguiftxecf themfelves in waf, they arefometitaésdaïd’ bri a-
kind of" fcaffolding§ and I have been* informed that WOmeri, as ip the
Eaft, have been known to facrxfice themfëlvéi to the manes of their'
hufbands. The whole óf the property the deparjed perfon
vs» deltr,óyedj and* the; rfelatio#s tpke |n exchange for the wearing apparel*
eosy.ragi that will covey theirnnak^<lnefs., The fpaft bellowed on the
ecc^fion^whichiSj Or at'leaft>ufed'to,h.%riepeatsedc annually, is.aecompa*
nied with eulpgiums omihe decggffed,;,and without any a&s offerocity»
Ont-the tomb are earVecfor painted th ftfy ip b # o f his tribe, which are
taken fróm the • differentrinimals of the country*^
Many, and-various arè the^moÓMfs ■ whifth^influcea^favage to engage
ip, war. T o prove his coufage,i?qr utq^ey,enj^ the-,deaths of his refer
tiorlSi spr fome • of his tribe,, by;the,m^ffaGrp of an enemy.: --If .the tribe
feel themfelves called upon to go to, w ^ tbe.eldgrscpnvepe «the people,
in order sfc&knowthe,funeral opinion. T f if.bewfoi; war,., the chief pub^
lilhes his intention.; to fmoke in thejaeye# ftem at a certa^peyxod, to
which folemnity, rqrditation and faffing are require# as preparatory^ ceremonials;.
When the people are thus* afferiibled^and the,meeting fane-
tifiedi by- fihe .cuftom of fmoking,' tfe>tohief: enlarg|^:on?the caufes which
fiavireaMed them t o g ë th f and, the neceffity o f ,thp, mca%es. ,prop.ofe.d
01» thq ocfcafien. * He then invites thofe wh^are f i l l in g to, follow
him, to- firioke Outofvttrtfe
t o l 3 of enrolment; arid if h * Ihould be th e g^nerafe opinion, that
* * grtat. for^alityyi tP[ join
|h;dp. Every individual .who attendp *befe meetings,brings foraething
wifh him, as a token of his warlike intention, or as an objeQ; ofiacrifice,
whitehv When-, the affetobly tldfelyes«, is'.Mpendpd from poles, near the
plafeoof CQrinejfe';,
i , They ha-ve, frequeps: feafts* fNM0,
,n 2 ■ ; - produce