■ i?§3- tion. The Indiass ha’d* about forty-fivd pounds #eigbfcof pemmica®fo
'— -v-— * jcarry, befides their gun, &c*;wifch .which they wetfe-1 vety * m uch dtffatis»-
fied, and if they had dared would have inftantly left uSi They' had
hitherto been very much indulged,- bu t th emoment was < now arrived
when indulgence was nodoogerrprafiricable.-1 $4My own load, aiid tfet'<bf
Mr. Mackay, ccaafifted of twenty-two pounds o f pern micaiv fomeriei, a
little fugar, Sec. amounting in the whole 'td-about feventy pounds each*
befides our arms and ammunition. I had>alfeiie tufefi«of n3y tekfeep’e
fwungacrofs my fhoulder* which was a troublefome additibn to my burthen.
It was determined that we fhoukicontent ourfol veswith^wo rneafe
a-day, which were regulated without difficulty* as our provifions did not
require the ceremony of cooking. .
In this Rate of equipment webegan -our journey, as I huve already
mentioned, about twelve -at noon, the commencement-of, whieli -yas a
fteep -rfeefit of about a piile; it lay along a welL*beate%ipath,'but the
country through which it led was rugged and ridgy, and full of wood.
When we were in a ftate of extreme heat, from the toil o f our journey,
the rain came on, and continued- till. the- evening, and „when it
ceafed the underwood continued its drippings upon, us. vv
. About half paft fix we arrived at an Indian camp of three fires, where
we found our guide, and on his recommendation we determined -i<Sf remain
there for the night. The- computed diftance of-this -dayls journey
was about twelve geographical miles; the couffe about, W®ft* i
A t fun-fet an elderly man and three other. natives- joined us from the-
Weft Ward. The former bore a lance.-that-very much, refembled a fer- ■- _ “ 1 July.
jeant’sj halberd. He had lately^e^eivedvit^by way o f barter, from the 1
natives o f ; th e . white men. , We
fhould meet,,he laid, with many o f feisocountrymenj who had juft returned
from thence-, .According to, hisrcisepQEtjit did not require more
than fix d ay s,journpy^Tonpeopleii^yshp ate. ndktheavily laden,, :io./reach
the, country pf thofe, with whom, they.bartered their -fkins for, iron, 8f,c.
andtfram thence it is not quite .two day’s m arch to < the fea„-, ,'Theyjpro-
pofed^to fend two.young men on* before-outs notify to,',the' different,
tribes that, !wejwere approaching,, thatitfeey-mightinot befutpriied at- o a r
appearance;. and be. (hlpoie.d to.'-afford.-fUSiaffrie'n.dky reception. This wasi
a nieafurett which I could notibutKappiiove;.. and endeavoured by fome-
fmall prefents to prepoffefs our couriers in. o u t favour, r
,*J Theferpeopleiivebut poorly at this :fealbn, and I could procure no*
provifien from- them, butsa few final!, dried, f lip as f think,, o f thpiearp
kind. T h ey ’had feveral European, arricies^ and o n e -o f them had a
ftrip of* %rji»kieh; appeared’to me teftbe\of fche-fea otter. He bbtainMf
it from-» the. natives* o f . the coaft, and exchanged it ;with me fen feme
beads and a brafs.erofs^ ji
i ;We retired jto. reft in as much fccurity as-if we had- been long habituated
-tor'a confidence in our ■ prefen fc alfociates indeed, we had no. alternative;,;
for fa great were the fatigues o f.th e day in, our m odeof travelling,, that
Spe were, in great need of reft at. night., i
-We, had no fooner laid, ourfelves down, to reft; laft night, than1*the Friday 5,